The doctor didn't quite know what to think about the mass of red dots that are all over Sarah's body. They did a strep test which was negative, so no scarlet fever.
They even brought out a big ole' book with all kinds of pictures of different types of rashes, but they were all eliminated one by one.
The only explanation it boiled down to is some type of folliculitis. Heat rash. It doesn't look like any heat rash she has ever had before, but that was the conclusion.
So she is taking a mild bath now and is to walk around the rest of the day in one of Ken's big t-shirt with nothing else on. Air out and stay cool.
Weird. We didn't do anything warm or sweaty all weekend, but I guess the doctor knows best. If it doesn't clear up on its own by the end of the weekend, well, then I think we will have to rethink the whole heat rash thing, but for now, that is what it is.... :-)
Usch då låter inget vidare. Hoppas att S snart mår bättre och att ni lyckas reda ut vad utslagen beror på.
Usch då, stackars liten!
Hoppas det snart går över.
Våra barn kan ibland bli rödprockiga när de tar på sig nyköpta kläder som inte tvättats, eller om tvätten inte sköljts ordentligt (vilket är vanligare här än när vi bodde i sverige) kläderna blir tätare då med lite tvättmedel kvar.
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