Thursday, April 7, 2011


This morning Sarah said she had a stomach ache and wanted to stay home. Ken and I was not exactly convinced she was really sick. No fever, no other symptoms.

And next week the national testing starts, so it is important she goes to school and stays on top of that.

So we sent her to school.

A little later they called from school: Come get your daughter, she is with the school nurse crying in pain!

We just came back from seeing her doctor, and all of a sudden she has a sky high fever and is not looking so good...

They are pretty sure it is a virus and that her stomach glands are swollen and thus the pain, but we are to look out for signs of appendicitis.

So now I feel very mean, making her go to school when she was not (really) feeling good...

Good tomorrow is a day off, so she gets 4 days off before the national tests start next week. Poor thing!

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Elias sa att han hade ont i magen igår och jag lät honom stanna hemma, fast jag egentligen misstänkte att han ville vara hemma och glo på TV hela dagen... Mycket riktigt var han hur pigg som helst hela dagen. Illbattiga unge! ;o) Fast han är sjuk så sällan så det må väl vara hänt. Jag hoppas att Sarah känner sig bättre! Kram//Vic