Anyway, I just recently went to the bathroom. It was 7 PM. I have not been to the bathroom (other than to pee) since last night!!! This is probably not something you can understand if you haven't had Ulcerative Colitis. The past 4 years I have been running to the bathroom 20-30 times a day! This is a miracle! Absolutley awesome!
Today when we were at the ice rink I noticed the Restroom (toa) sign on my way out of the building. In the old days that would have been the first thing I located as soon as I entered the building... And I would have used the facilities several times during our 2 hours stay. And I would have missed some precious family time. And had stomach pain.
If I would just have known how well I would have felt after this surgery, if I would even have KNOWN about this surgery YEARS ago, oh man, imagine how nice life would have been! So much suffering that could have been avoided! If you have Ulcerative Colitis and is considering J-Pouch Surgery, go for it. I suffered and was in pain for over 20 years! Of course, read up on the risks first. But even after just have spent a week in the hospital with a severe intestinal infection (not in the surgery area), I am so grateful and happy!
I was just looking at my stomach, and marveled at the lack of evidence of the major surgery I just went through. It amazes me how skillful the surgeon was. Look for yourself below! (I am not sure why it looks all orange around the bellybutton, must be some weird shadow.) I don't have a beautiful stomach at all, but I am very pleased to share with anyone who might be considering this lifesaving surgery how good it can look afterwards. Considering they yanked out the entire colon and the rectum, created an internal pouch from the small intestine, then re-attach the whole shebang with perfect results! Awesome!

1 comment:
Jag är så glad att höra att du mår bättre och att höra att operationen varit värt allt du har fått gå igenom, med smärta, värk och komplikationer. Wow grattis Sweflo! Det måste vara helt underbart att kunna gå ut och njuta utan att behöva oroa sig över vart närmaste toa finns och att slippa springa dit hela tiden. Jag tycker din mage är fin. Det är verkligen ett otroligt jobb de gjort. Det syns ju praktiskt taget inte alls att de opererat dig och tagit bort en massa och satt dit påsen och allt. Din mage ser ut som vilken normal mage som helst. Stor grattis kram till dig. Jättekul att även få vara med och glädjas med dig.
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