I had to take Sarah to school this morning. I prefer getting ready later in the morning, after taking the dogs for their long walk, since I usually get all sweaty then. So I probably looked REALLY good dropping her off! Having to do that gives me only 2 hours at home before having to pick her up again, since Mondays are short days. So only a real small work project got done today.
I think today will be a cleaning day. At least all the laundry is done, so I can concentrate on all the other really boring things that need to be taken care off. Our house is completely covered with toys it feels like! Oh well, I look at it as at least our daughter enjoy all those toys we got her, and her imagination soars, just watching her play is great! She likes to talk out loud when she plays, so it is kind of like watching a play. Very enjoyable to hear what goes on in her mind! So I don't really mind all the toys, but I like to at least once a week make an effort to see the carpet so I can vacuum it without a bunch of tiny Polly Pocket accessories getting sucked up with the dirt. If you have young daughters you KNOW what I am talking about ;-). Especially those shoes, they are not bigger than little specks of dirt!

Trying to plan a few dinners for the week, I already have some ground beef out that needs to be cooked, so I am thinking Swedish järpar again, but this time wrapped in bacon. We have a lot of left over bacon from when my sister was here, so that would be a great use of that. With Swedish cream gravy and mashed potatoes. And lingonberries of course... Also found a great looking recipe for grilled lemon chicken, and a mojo flavored chicken with avocado and mango salsa. Looked yummy! Have a great day!
Du får mig att bli hungrig. Många goda receptförslag. Städa är inte kul men det är alltid skön när det är gjort. Jag förstår att de där små dockskorna åker med dammsugaren. Have a nice day.
Those little shoes are so small you almost need a magnifying glass to actually see what they are...
You think they are small?
You should have seen the original Polly Pockets that my girls used to have in England! The dolls themselves were even so small that you couldn't even change their clothes. We used to lose them to the vacuum all the bloomin time!
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