Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Brown boy

I woke up in the middle of the night to an awesome lightning storm. The rain have been pounding on our roof ever since. Outside the light is an eerie shade of yellowish gray. I am pretending it is fall! Ha ha...

I was talking to Sarah the other day, and she mentioned this boy in her class, R, had been mean to her. I asked which one he is, since I only know about half the names of her classmates. She said "the other brown boy". I was like "huh?. She saw I didn't get it, so she said "R is brown, just like D". D is her best friend in school, and he is Hispanic. Then I met R, and he is black. It is so refreshing talking to her about this, she has no stereo types of different races, no idea of people being different due to skin color.

I prodded her a little carefully, asked what color SHE is. "Oh, I am yellow", she said. So far her notion of different skin color is just that: they are sometimes different. No more, no less. Just like I have reddish hair, she has brown and her friend sports a black mop on his head.

I just wish thats how REAL life was... People are considered different, but still the same on the inside...

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