I don't know, perhaps I have a daughter with a very sensitive nose...
Sometimes she complains of foul smells almost not noticeable. She is very sensitive for anything that smells bad, things that I can almost not smell at all.
But she also seems to have ideas of things that an adult most likely would not consider as having a scent. One thing that she often comes back to is the sun. She says it smells like cinnamon (kanel in Swedish). What a lovely thought! So if you sunbathe, does it make you smell like a burnt cinnamon bun, or what?! :-)
Something she really likes to eat is pretzels. She was eating some in the car yesterday, and told me very matter-of-factly that they smell like pool water... Apparently that was not a problem at all for her, she happily gobbled them up...
Odd but cute!
Gulligt med kanel och sol.
Men visst kan det även vara negativt med barn och dofter.
En period så kunde min son knappt gå på toa utan att må illa av sitt eget åstadkommande ;)
Hoppas ni får en trevlig helg
Att lukta kanel efter solbadet skulle vara något. Jag tycker jag luktar sviden gris. Även jag har en känslig näsa
Kramar från Styrmansgatan Visby
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