Sunday, April 26, 2009

Swine flu

Anyone else concerned about the recent outbreaks of the Swine Flu? So far 11 confirmed cases in the US, all supposedly mild. But 68 people have died in Mexico, where the epidemic seem to have started...

Is this the first signs of a pandemic, a worldwide epidemic?

Consider the Spanish Flu: it ravaged the world starting in 1918. Then, 40 million people died. And back then they didn't travel like we do nowadays!

Sure, people are generally healthier and we have access to better health care, but we also live in a world where people move across the world in a fast pace. Who knows what damage a pandemic can do?

We definitely need to keep an eye on this. I guess a normal, healthy person might do OK, but kids, elderly and sickly people would probably not do as good. That means 2/3 of my immediate family is at risk! So you bet I am concerned...

What are your thoughts on this?

This is what the CDC has to say:

1 comment:

petchie said...

Jag är väldigt "concerned" eftersom vi ska få besök från Mexico om 3 veckor!!! Vad ska man säga, kan ni ställa in er semester por favor?? Som tur är är killarna från Tijuana och inte Mexico City men vem vet... Fick email från en av dem idag, han är orolig att de kanske inte får åka... Får se men ja, jag är orolig! Speciellt som jag alltid är den som blir förkyld / får influensa :-(