Friday, September 17, 2010


Ooops, Friday already! Today I am hoping to spend most of the time cleaning and fixing stuff at home. The morning was all work, and I had to "fire" a new client. I have never encountered a more irritating person to work for! On top of that, they try to nitpick the prices and get away with paying as little as possible. Not worth it at all, their jobs take much more time than they should, just because of this weird person.

So from now on I am going to be "too busy" when I get any project requests from them. No more.

Luckily I have mostly very nice clients, people who understand the work and actually appreciate your work. And have no problem paying for it...

Sarah and I have both had colds this past week, but not too bad. More irritating than bothersome, sniffly noses and stuffed sinus, no fever.

I think she was really tired of having stuffed sinuses last night, she actually asked me to buy her some decongestant nose spray, which she absolutely hates. I understand her, not fun...

Tonight we are going to a school at Bounce-U, an indoor gigantic playground full of different types of inflatables, like jump castles and obstacle courses. Afterwards they kids have a pizza party as well. It was a lot of fun last time, so I am sure she will like it today as well. She just have to be careful with her back, it is still hurting when she jumps too much.

We are also signing Sarah up for Tae Kwon Do, Korean martial arts. She has been wanting to go for a while, but we have just been too busy. Luckily the place is really close to home, so that is a plus. I think the classes will be on Wednesdays (when I can take her) and Saturdays when daddy can take her.

I like martial arts, they teach focus, respect and confidence. The exercise ad flexibility that comes with it is a plus too, of course!


Desiree said...

Skönt att du kunde göra dig av med den besvärliga kunden. Helt rätt. Det är ju en av fördelarna med att vara sin egen arbestsgivar att just du kan bestämma vilka uppdrag och kunder du ska ta på dig.
Tae Kwon Do låter kul och jag tror det kommer bli kul för Sarah. Jag hade gärna själv testat det någon gång. Önskar bara man hade mer tid att göra sådant. Hoppas ni får en trevlig helg och att ni båda kryar på er. Jag hatar själv att vara täppt i näsan, sååå jobbigt och inte kan man sova ordentligt då heller direkt.

Jenny said...

Mathilda, som jag tror är lika gammal som Sarah (född -03, i 2nd grade?) började precis på Karate här i höst och fullkomligt älskar det! Jag gillar det av samma anledningar som du skriver, framförallt för Mathildas del att de lär barnen att stå upp för sig själva och vara självständiga och tro på sig själva. Typ. Vilket Mathilda definitivt behöver då hon är jordens lydigaste "rule follower", men ibland till den punkten att hon får panik om hon inte vet exakt vad hon ska göra, eller måste säga ifrån. Så superbra, tycker vi! Kram!