Wednesday, September 1, 2010


About 9-10 years ago (can't remember exactly) Ken and I went to a really interesting exhibit at a museum in Tampa. It was artifacts from the South American Inca Indians, lots of cool stuff.

One section was in particular interesting, it was about the Inca's very advanced medical care. It was even proof that Inca's performed some type of brain surgery, drilling holes in people's craniums (there was also proof that the patients had continued to live afterwards, phew).

In one areawas some actually shrunken Inca heads, and Ken got so excited he scrambled to get up close. In his scramble, he accidentally kicked my left front toe, straight on. My nail split all the way down the middle. Ouch!

Since then, my nail has been messed up (thanks a lot, Ken ). Usually half the nail appears dead most of the time, but at least it grows out...

I went to a podiatrist back in 2002 that declared "It's fungus!" and she gave me fungal lotion. Now, fungal lotion is at it's best successful up to 50 % of the time, plus I was on all kinds of chemo drugs and immune suppressants, not exactly helpful.

But now, when I have been off all those drugs for 3 years, I figured I might have a fighting chance to fix this nail once and for all.

This morning I had an appointment with a new podiatrist (foot doctor), and he said it might not be fungus at all, it did not look like it, at least. His guess was that the trauma from the initial damage (thanks again, Ken)coupled with my body's lowered ability to heal itself might have caused this.

The only way to be sure is to test the nail, so they clipped it all off and it is going to a lab to test fr fungus. If it is positive I can have a new, (expensive) laser treatment that actually works, if not, well, I will be stuck for with an ugly toe for the rest of my life (thanks... well, you get it...).

So this is how my now all naked toe looks like. A little sensitive...

Hope I didn't ruin anyone's appetite now! :-)

In other medical news, Sarah's blood tests came back all clean. No signs of anything inflammatory, lupus, RA or other. Big sigh of relief! Now we just have the MRI on Friday, which she will be sedated for, since it is a rather long procedure, and it is not so easy for a little kid to be perfectly still for that long...

We have to be there at 2 PM and she i snot allowed to eat anything before to eat all, just some fluids before noon! I think she is a little tense about the MRI, but also very curios. There are lots of videos on YouTube about what to expect for kids, so she watched that, I think it helped ease her nervousness a little, now when she knows exactly what to expect.


Annika said...

NASTY is damn RIGHT!!
Jag hoppade nästan ur stolen och var tvungen att snabbt scrolla bort bilden. Fotfobi, du vet :-)
USCH, vad ONT det ser ut. HOPPAS att det kan botas nu med nya behandlingar.

SweFlo said...

Åh förlåt Annika! Glömde helt bort det! Kan INTE ha varit kul... Men det gör faktiskt bara ont om man råkar trycka på tån, så det är OK. Hoppas nästan på att det är fungus, för då går det kanske att fixa det hela i alla fall!

Marianne said...

Aj vad ont det ser ut! Jag har inte samma fobi som Annika : ) men trevligt ser det inte ut - för dig! Hoppas nu att det går att fixa så att du slipper ha en öm tå.

SÅ skönt att Sarahs prover var bra! En verklig lättnad. Jag är säker på att MRI:n går bra, de sticker ju inte och grejar för den.


SweFlo said...

Tyvärr blir det ju lite stickande i och med att hon får dropp när de ska söva henne. Men jag tror nog att hon klarar det galant!

Annika said...

I live ;-)
r mindre kul för dig. ATTANS skit...
Gick det bra för Sarah?

SweFlo said...

Det är inte förens i eftermiddag, men det går nog bra!

Desiree said...

Aj då den där tån såg inte kul ut. Hoppas att det ordnar sig. Ser ut att göra ont. Jag är dock glad att Sarahs prover inte visade positivt för något och håller tummarna för att MRI:n ska gå bra nu också.

Malin said...

Hoppas det gick bra för Sarah!
Den nageln ser ut att göra jätteont!!

Mrs Clapper said...

Åh ajajajajaaaaj! Det riktigt högg i mellangärdet när jag såg bilden :( Fy stackars tå!