Idag ska det städas för nästan hela slanten! Och för att jag skrev det så kommer det naturligtvis att trilla in en massa småjobb som kommer ivägen...
Imrogon kommer våra goda vänner S &a J med barn över på lågkolhydratsmiddag, ska bli kul. Innan dess ska jag alltså få ordning på ett hus i uppror, baka en del och förbereda middagen.
Jag fick inte sådär jättemycket sömn i natt pga sjuk hund. Som tur var repade han sig snabbt (bukspotsskörteln igen), men sömnen var det värre med...
Så lite seg idag.
Planen är att jag ska kolla lite på TV först medan jag kör tvätten med alla filtar och kuddar som Bob spydde på igår (åh vad kul!). Ska ladda med lite koffein också. Sedan ska det städas! Dessutom har jag denna vecka i princip fått fram alla höst/Halloween-dekorationer. Så det känns härligt! Det som i vårt hus sedan minst 10 år tillbaka markerar starten på hösten och också the Holidays (Thanksgiving/Jul) är när jag tar fram mina äppel- och kaneldoftande ljus! Det doftar så gott i hela huset av dessa!
Imorgon ska jag släppa av Sarah hos en kompis, och sedan ska jag iväg och handla den sista maten, hem och baka lite och preppa. Sedan hämtar Ken Sarah vid tre, då ska jag kasta henne i duschen, eftersom hon säkert har badat i poolen, och vid fyra kommer gästerna.
På söndag ska vi alla tre plus Sarahs bästis åka och bowla, det ska bli kul!
Hoppas nu bara att jag har tillräckligt med energi för allt det här, tack hunden! :-)
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
För att vara klar med det stora projektet får jag verkligen säga att det har varit full rulle sedan dess! Massa jobb och annat. Ja ja, man ska väl vara glad att man har arbete nuförtiden!
Igår lancerades den nya Kindle Fire, Amazons svar på iPad2. Jag är en inbiten Android-anhängare och tänker inte gå över till Äpplet... Dottern har en iPod Touch som i princip är en iPhone fast utan telefonfunktionen. Inte speciellt imponerad. Android har mycket mer flexibilitet...
Så jag för-beställde en Kindle Fire igår. Den kommer att skickas ut den 17 november, så det blir spännande! Jag kommer då att sälja min vanliga Kindle som jag har, eftersom Fire såklart är huvadsakligen ämnad som eBoks-läsare, och då behöver jag ju inte den gamla Kindle... Och med lite hackning kan man faktiskt läsa svenska biblioteksböcker på Kindle alldeles utmärkt.
Plusset med Fire är ju att det är en touch-screen i färg och att man kan se på film, använd appar och annat trevligt, ja samma som iPad2. Jag har dessutom sedan några år varit medlem i Amazons Prime, och det innehållet är nu tillgängligt genom Fire. Prime ger en gratis 2-dagarsfrakt på nästan allt man handlar på Amazon, MEN det ger dessutom tillgång till tusentals filmer och TV att streama gratis! Helt kanon faktiskt...
Så jag ser fram emot att få hem min nya lilla guldklimp... Om jag nu får ha den ifred från Sarah! :-)
Igår lancerades den nya Kindle Fire, Amazons svar på iPad2. Jag är en inbiten Android-anhängare och tänker inte gå över till Äpplet... Dottern har en iPod Touch som i princip är en iPhone fast utan telefonfunktionen. Inte speciellt imponerad. Android har mycket mer flexibilitet...
Så jag för-beställde en Kindle Fire igår. Den kommer att skickas ut den 17 november, så det blir spännande! Jag kommer då att sälja min vanliga Kindle som jag har, eftersom Fire såklart är huvadsakligen ämnad som eBoks-läsare, och då behöver jag ju inte den gamla Kindle... Och med lite hackning kan man faktiskt läsa svenska biblioteksböcker på Kindle alldeles utmärkt.
Plusset med Fire är ju att det är en touch-screen i färg och att man kan se på film, använd appar och annat trevligt, ja samma som iPad2. Jag har dessutom sedan några år varit medlem i Amazons Prime, och det innehållet är nu tillgängligt genom Fire. Prime ger en gratis 2-dagarsfrakt på nästan allt man handlar på Amazon, MEN det ger dessutom tillgång till tusentals filmer och TV att streama gratis! Helt kanon faktiskt...
Så jag ser fram emot att få hem min nya lilla guldklimp... Om jag nu får ha den ifred från Sarah! :-)
Thursday, September 22, 2011
The final file has been uploaded, the final invoice has been sent off!
I am officially DONE with this loooong, five month project. I don't know what to do with myself now, I have been working so hard on this.
I guess I should appreciate having a normal work load for a change! Nice!
Looking forward going to work tomorow and not having this on my shoulders anymore...
Yes! :-)
I am officially DONE with this loooong, five month project. I don't know what to do with myself now, I have been working so hard on this.
I guess I should appreciate having a normal work load for a change! Nice!
Looking forward going to work tomorow and not having this on my shoulders anymore...
Yes! :-)
Det enda jag vill idag är att lyckas få ihop tillräckligt med hjärnkraft för att bli kar med jätteprojektet. Så nära, så nära!
Idag har Sarah Art Club efter skolan, så jag behöver inte hämta henne förrens halv fem, så jag MÅSTE skärpa till mig och få det har klart IDAG!
Det är fysiskt möjligt, men om hjärnan orkar vet jag inte.
Ska nog gå och ta dagens föesta Diet Coke nu så jag kan komma igång.
Och i år IGEN har jag lyckats att nästan redan ha alla julklappar klara! I alla fall större majoriteten... SÅ skönt! Jag är alltid så glad i december när jag inet behöver stressa runt. Kens klappar har jag inte, men det blir nog en eller ett par större. Har bara en ide klar i huvudet, har aldrig någon aning vad jag ska köpa till honom.
Nya kläder kanske? Hans gamla hänger som säckar nu när han gått ner så mycket i vikt! Fast kläder är trist i julklapp tycker jag... Ja ja...
Mot köket och en Diet Coke nu så vi kan få sprutt på det här! Mållinjen är ju så nära!!!!!
Idag har Sarah Art Club efter skolan, så jag behöver inte hämta henne förrens halv fem, så jag MÅSTE skärpa till mig och få det har klart IDAG!
Det är fysiskt möjligt, men om hjärnan orkar vet jag inte.
Ska nog gå och ta dagens föesta Diet Coke nu så jag kan komma igång.
Och i år IGEN har jag lyckats att nästan redan ha alla julklappar klara! I alla fall större majoriteten... SÅ skönt! Jag är alltid så glad i december när jag inet behöver stressa runt. Kens klappar har jag inte, men det blir nog en eller ett par större. Har bara en ide klar i huvudet, har aldrig någon aning vad jag ska köpa till honom.
Nya kläder kanske? Hans gamla hänger som säckar nu när han gått ner så mycket i vikt! Fast kläder är trist i julklapp tycker jag... Ja ja...
Mot köket och en Diet Coke nu så vi kan få sprutt på det här! Mållinjen är ju så nära!!!!!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Fick för mig att köra mitt senaste blogginlägg i Google Translate, bara för att se vad någon som kanske använder just denna funktion läser. De har nog ganska roligt, så här blev det nämligen:
It's been a busy week with work operators as I try to finish everything now! SHOULD be done!
There have cheated lots of lågkolhydratskosten this week. Damn, it has completely abandoned so my stress can feast on carbohydrates. Today I am ashamed to admit that I ate Nutella with a spoon straight from the can! But seventeen what good it was!
I realize that I may wait to tighten up the diet until this stressful moment is gone, it's SOON! Can not seem koncnetrera me for food right now ...
Today I'm also on the meeting of Sarah's school at two o'clock. We must agree on a new plan with her speech therapist and occupational therapist, it should be done once a year. Basically we are sitting at a table, they tell the progress Sarah has made, said that this we want to achieve, I lobster yes yes and that's it. I know nothing about talpedagogik or occupational therapy, so I tend to just stick with their recommendations, it is probably best that way! :-)
Now I had time to drink a Diet Coke, so now maybe I can get sprutt the job force.
And the cat Elsa for a baby lizard when I sat on the toilet right. Of course she did it when I could not come and rescue the poor animal, but had to politely sit and watch! Sadistic gore cat! :-) She really licked his lips afterwards ...
It's been a busy week with work operators as I try to finish everything now! SHOULD be done!
There have cheated lots of lågkolhydratskosten this week. Damn, it has completely abandoned so my stress can feast on carbohydrates. Today I am ashamed to admit that I ate Nutella with a spoon straight from the can! But seventeen what good it was!
I realize that I may wait to tighten up the diet until this stressful moment is gone, it's SOON! Can not seem koncnetrera me for food right now ...
Today I'm also on the meeting of Sarah's school at two o'clock. We must agree on a new plan with her speech therapist and occupational therapist, it should be done once a year. Basically we are sitting at a table, they tell the progress Sarah has made, said that this we want to achieve, I lobster yes yes and that's it. I know nothing about talpedagogik or occupational therapy, so I tend to just stick with their recommendations, it is probably best that way! :-)
Now I had time to drink a Diet Coke, so now maybe I can get sprutt the job force.
And the cat Elsa for a baby lizard when I sat on the toilet right. Of course she did it when I could not come and rescue the poor animal, but had to politely sit and watch! Sadistic gore cat! :-) She really licked his lips afterwards ...
Det har varit en stressig vecka med jobbet efetrsom jag försöker bli klar med allt nu! SKA bli klar!
Det har fuskats rejält med lågkolhydratskosten denna vecka. Fan, den har helt övergetts så min stress kan få festa på kolhydrater. Igår skäms jag att erkänna att jag åt Nutella med sked direkt ur burken! Men sjutton vad gott DET var!
Jag inser att jag får vänta med att styra upp kosten tills det här stressmomentet är borta, det är ju SNART! Kan liksom inte koncnetrera mig på mat just nu...
Idag ska jag dessutom på möte i Sarahs skola vid tvåtiden. Vi ska komma överens om en ny plan med hennes talpedagog och arbetsterapeut, det ska göras en gång om året. I princip sitter vi vid ett bord, de berättar vilka framsteg Sarah har gjort, säger att detta vill vi uppnå, jag hummar ja ja och sedan är det klart. Jag vet inget om talpedagogik eller arbetsterapi, så jag tenderar att bara hålla med i deras rekommendationer, det blir nog bäst så! :-)
Nu har jag hunnit dricka en Diet Coke, så nu kanske jag kan få sprutt på jobbandet.
Och katten Elsa åt en bebisödla när jag satt på toan precis. Såklart hon gjorde det när jag inte kunde komma och rädda det stackars djuret, utan fick snällt sitta och titta på! Sadistiska äckelkatten! :-) Hon riktigt slickade sig om munnen efteråt...
Det har fuskats rejält med lågkolhydratskosten denna vecka. Fan, den har helt övergetts så min stress kan få festa på kolhydrater. Igår skäms jag att erkänna att jag åt Nutella med sked direkt ur burken! Men sjutton vad gott DET var!
Jag inser att jag får vänta med att styra upp kosten tills det här stressmomentet är borta, det är ju SNART! Kan liksom inte koncnetrera mig på mat just nu...
Idag ska jag dessutom på möte i Sarahs skola vid tvåtiden. Vi ska komma överens om en ny plan med hennes talpedagog och arbetsterapeut, det ska göras en gång om året. I princip sitter vi vid ett bord, de berättar vilka framsteg Sarah har gjort, säger att detta vill vi uppnå, jag hummar ja ja och sedan är det klart. Jag vet inget om talpedagogik eller arbetsterapi, så jag tenderar att bara hålla med i deras rekommendationer, det blir nog bäst så! :-)
Nu har jag hunnit dricka en Diet Coke, så nu kanske jag kan få sprutt på jobbandet.
Och katten Elsa åt en bebisödla när jag satt på toan precis. Såklart hon gjorde det när jag inte kunde komma och rädda det stackars djuret, utan fick snällt sitta och titta på! Sadistiska äckelkatten! :-) Hon riktigt slickade sig om munnen efteråt...
Monday, September 19, 2011
Yesterday was not bad. We started out by having breakfast on the beach, then home to do a little work and yard work, then off to the ice skating rink for Sarah and Ken to go ice skating. Luckily for me it is next to the area's largest outlet mall, so I could shop a little.
I have the pleasant problem of having only too big pants (unless you count yoga pants), so I had to get a couple new pairs in a size smaller.
Then we had lunch, at Sarah's request at Hungry Howie's Pizza Buffet (we did a carb weekend and were allowed to eat anything we wanted).
Sarah has been a little sniffly since Friday, but finally last night she got a fever. Nothing bad, just a mild cold I would say.
The nice day went into a not so nice night. It felt like hundreds of mosquito and no see um-bites all over my legs, feet and arms. I counted 9 on just one side of my legs, but there are probably at least 20 or so. That is what I get from sitting outside for hours in the backyard to try and catch the cat... So itchy!
On top of that, Bob decided to want to get up at 2:30 AM. Since he sleeps on a chair in the living room I have to get up and help him, he can't jump that high. He just wanted a drink of water, but it took forever to go back to sleep with all the itching (and I had good itch cream!).
Then, as I just drifted off to sleep, he woke me up again! This time he wanted out to pee. Sigh. Same thing, took forever to get back to sleep.
Then AGAIN! This time he had to POOP! I was NOT very happy... But Bob is Bob. He will whine until he gets his way, and I think he knows I am a light sleeper...
In between that the cat got very exciting over all this activity, she is otherwise very good at keeping quiet at night. Now she found a fun toy and were running around like crazy. I took the toy away, went to bed, she found a new toy, same thing....
FINALLY! It was quiet and I could go back to sleep. If it wasn't for all that ITCHING!
Went up, checked on Sarah. No fever, but she has sounded miserable all through the night so I decided to keep her home. Have a feeling she is not going to feel too great today. A day with just resting will do her good.
I have had some tea, now I have to get going on this big project. I have a chunk of smaller documents I am planning on finishing up today, then it is ONLY ONE document left!!! A large one, but I am aiming for it to only take two days.
I am SO ready for this project to finally end, but the last few steps before reaching goal has turned out to be slooooow and heavy... But almost there... :-) Just got to make sure I don't fall asleep today!
I have the pleasant problem of having only too big pants (unless you count yoga pants), so I had to get a couple new pairs in a size smaller.
Then we had lunch, at Sarah's request at Hungry Howie's Pizza Buffet (we did a carb weekend and were allowed to eat anything we wanted).
Sarah has been a little sniffly since Friday, but finally last night she got a fever. Nothing bad, just a mild cold I would say.
The nice day went into a not so nice night. It felt like hundreds of mosquito and no see um-bites all over my legs, feet and arms. I counted 9 on just one side of my legs, but there are probably at least 20 or so. That is what I get from sitting outside for hours in the backyard to try and catch the cat... So itchy!
On top of that, Bob decided to want to get up at 2:30 AM. Since he sleeps on a chair in the living room I have to get up and help him, he can't jump that high. He just wanted a drink of water, but it took forever to go back to sleep with all the itching (and I had good itch cream!).
Then, as I just drifted off to sleep, he woke me up again! This time he wanted out to pee. Sigh. Same thing, took forever to get back to sleep.
Then AGAIN! This time he had to POOP! I was NOT very happy... But Bob is Bob. He will whine until he gets his way, and I think he knows I am a light sleeper...
In between that the cat got very exciting over all this activity, she is otherwise very good at keeping quiet at night. Now she found a fun toy and were running around like crazy. I took the toy away, went to bed, she found a new toy, same thing....
FINALLY! It was quiet and I could go back to sleep. If it wasn't for all that ITCHING!
Went up, checked on Sarah. No fever, but she has sounded miserable all through the night so I decided to keep her home. Have a feeling she is not going to feel too great today. A day with just resting will do her good.
I have had some tea, now I have to get going on this big project. I have a chunk of smaller documents I am planning on finishing up today, then it is ONLY ONE document left!!! A large one, but I am aiming for it to only take two days.
I am SO ready for this project to finally end, but the last few steps before reaching goal has turned out to be slooooow and heavy... But almost there... :-) Just got to make sure I don't fall asleep today!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Great weekend so far
I am sooo happy to report Baxter the Stray Cat is now in great hands!
I had a hard time getting him in the pet carrier, took me 2 hours! First he was super cuddly, but juuuuust as I was going to put him in the carrier a neighbour came out in the backyard. I had a split second to decide if I should try to show the cat in the carrier or let him go and try again later.
I decided to give the carrier a go, the cat got out and now he wasn't exactly super trusting anymore... I tried a little later, and juuuuust as we were getting real friendly again a different neighbour comes out and off he goes.... AAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
I sat out there and tried and tried, but he was so suspicious of the carrier that he wouldn't come near me again. The lady that I was supposed to meet was only going to be at Petsmart until 4 PM, so I had time against me. Finally the cat decided to come up to me and let me pet him again. I knew it was now or never...
I grabbed him firmly but gently and pushed him into the carrier. I could feel his entire body tense up and get ready to flee, but I won! He safely got into the carrier and from there on it was no problem. I let him sit in the carrier under a towel to calm down a little while I took a quick shower (soaked in sweat after trying to catch him).
Then we took off to Petsmart to meet the rescue lady. There were actually several volunteers there and they were all so nice and caring. They will work with Baxter, try to get him a foster home if needed to get him more relaxed with people. But we left with a much lighter heart, knowing he is now in the best of care.
It also turned out this organization works with the county, and her friend was the one that took care of Baxter's siblings when the house was raided by police back in July. So who knows, he might be reunited with his brothers and sisters even... All in all a happy ending indeed...
Now to the bathroom update... So nice to almost be done with that one. The only thing left now is the floor and shower tiles. I painted it, got a new toilet, light fixture, replaced the counter top, faucet and sink.
Now I am going to finish up some work, then I am going to go to the mall while Sarah and Ken go ice skating... :-)
I decided to give the carrier a go, the cat got out and now he wasn't exactly super trusting anymore... I tried a little later, and juuuuust as we were getting real friendly again a different neighbour comes out and off he goes.... AAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
I sat out there and tried and tried, but he was so suspicious of the carrier that he wouldn't come near me again. The lady that I was supposed to meet was only going to be at Petsmart until 4 PM, so I had time against me. Finally the cat decided to come up to me and let me pet him again. I knew it was now or never...
I grabbed him firmly but gently and pushed him into the carrier. I could feel his entire body tense up and get ready to flee, but I won! He safely got into the carrier and from there on it was no problem. I let him sit in the carrier under a towel to calm down a little while I took a quick shower (soaked in sweat after trying to catch him).
Then we took off to Petsmart to meet the rescue lady. There were actually several volunteers there and they were all so nice and caring. They will work with Baxter, try to get him a foster home if needed to get him more relaxed with people. But we left with a much lighter heart, knowing he is now in the best of care.
It also turned out this organization works with the county, and her friend was the one that took care of Baxter's siblings when the house was raided by police back in July. So who knows, he might be reunited with his brothers and sisters even... All in all a happy ending indeed...
Now to the bathroom update... So nice to almost be done with that one. The only thing left now is the floor and shower tiles. I painted it, got a new toilet, light fixture, replaced the counter top, faucet and sink.
These are photos I took at some of my favorite spots here locally...
I added a dark brown wood frame to update the boring mirror. Really gave the entire bathroom that something extra I think!
| ||
The granite turned out really nice...
Now I am going to finish up some work, then I am going to go to the mall while Sarah and Ken go ice skating... :-)
Friday, September 16, 2011
Good news
This week has been good since I got the stray cat to trust me. Sarah is now also able to pet him, and when I got outside he comes running. He is very affectionate!
But the problem i snow he meows all the time, wanting attention. This will definitely drive us nuts in a short time, especially during the night.
yesterday I started to contact all kinds of animal rescue agencies here locally. I only got one reply of all the emails I sent out... She said they couldn't help us, but she gave me the name of another organization that might.
Well, that organization did NOT call back, but on their web site I found the e-mail address for a lady who deals with cat adoptions.
And she emailed me back!
So the deal is that tomorrow she will be at Petsmart, our local pet store, where she handles cat adoptions each weekend. She is going to take a look at him. I explained he will be super scared and not easy at all to handle, so she decided to try and find him a foster home first, so he can get used to being handled and be more trusted before being adopted.
So I am going to pack him up tomorrow around 10 AM and I will let him sit in the carrier for a while to calm down (I have no illusions, he is going to go NUTS). Then at 11 AM I am taking him to her.
I am going to film him today so she can see that he indeed CAN be a very calm, affectionate cat, so she doesn't think he is all crazy. That way she might feel better about taking him in...
So wish me good luck on this one tomorrow!
But the problem i snow he meows all the time, wanting attention. This will definitely drive us nuts in a short time, especially during the night.
yesterday I started to contact all kinds of animal rescue agencies here locally. I only got one reply of all the emails I sent out... She said they couldn't help us, but she gave me the name of another organization that might.
Well, that organization did NOT call back, but on their web site I found the e-mail address for a lady who deals with cat adoptions.
And she emailed me back!
So the deal is that tomorrow she will be at Petsmart, our local pet store, where she handles cat adoptions each weekend. She is going to take a look at him. I explained he will be super scared and not easy at all to handle, so she decided to try and find him a foster home first, so he can get used to being handled and be more trusted before being adopted.
So I am going to pack him up tomorrow around 10 AM and I will let him sit in the carrier for a while to calm down (I have no illusions, he is going to go NUTS). Then at 11 AM I am taking him to her.
I am going to film him today so she can see that he indeed CAN be a very calm, affectionate cat, so she doesn't think he is all crazy. That way she might feel better about taking him in...
So wish me good luck on this one tomorrow!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
On a mission
I HAVE to find the stray cat someplace to go! Now when he has gotten a taste of human affection, he meows outside our window all the time. It was very hard trying to sleep last night, and I am sure the neighbours had a hard time too... He started just after 5 AM this morning again.
I contacted 4 different agencies today via e-mail with deleted information regarding his background. Now when the cat has proven itself to actually be very cuddly it should be possible to adopt him out...
Lets just keep our fingers crossed, I am not sure what else we can do? We can't live with a meowing cat outside our window for ever, and we can't take him inside due to Ken's allergies and the pets we already have.
Sigh... I sure hope I can come up with a solution soon!
I contacted 4 different agencies today via e-mail with deleted information regarding his background. Now when the cat has proven itself to actually be very cuddly it should be possible to adopt him out...
Lets just keep our fingers crossed, I am not sure what else we can do? We can't live with a meowing cat outside our window for ever, and we can't take him inside due to Ken's allergies and the pets we already have.
Sigh... I sure hope I can come up with a solution soon!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Stray cat update
This morning Baxter the stray cat was extra noisy. He just kept meowing and meowing. He already had food, so I figured he wanted company. I sat outside close to him for a while, and finally he got the courage to go up to me!
The first few times it was just a quick touch and run, but after a little while I was petting him full on. He was purring and seemed to really enjoy it, but he still kept a watchful eye on the house to make sure nobody was coming out to get him.
So there is hope for him after all, poor thing!
The first few times it was just a quick touch and run, but after a little while I was petting him full on. He was purring and seemed to really enjoy it, but he still kept a watchful eye on the house to make sure nobody was coming out to get him.
So there is hope for him after all, poor thing!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Crazy dogs!
Today we are getting the new counter installed, along with a new sink and facuet.
We took out the old sink yesterday, and lets just say it was NASTY, the stuff that was inside the pipes...
The guy should be here around 1 PM. This is how the bathroom looks like right now:
We took out the old sink yesterday, and lets just say it was NASTY, the stuff that was inside the pipes...
The guy should be here around 1 PM. This is how the bathroom looks like right now:
Part of getting the bath ready yesterday was to remove all the stuff in there. Among other things we had a lot of shells and things we have found at the beach. I put all of it in a plastic bucket for safe keeping for now. After dropping Sarah off at school this morning I come home to find out that the dogs decided to EAT one of the starfish! Come on! That can't even have been that tasty, rigth? Why, dogs, WHY? They never seize to amaze me with what they do, those two...
The starfish after they were done with it... They ate 4 of its legs off!!! |
Naughty dogs... |
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Today it is work all day long. I was bad this morning, I went to pick up some stuff at the grocery store for later today when the delicious smell of freshly baked bread hit me. I had to have some bread for breakfast! It wasn't as good as I had hoped and it actually made me feel a bit sick after eating it. But hey, no big deal. I lost 3 lbs this week, so a couple of sandwiches are not going to hurt too bad. And since I have already ruined my low carb day I might as well cheat the rest of the day too. Which is good, since Sarah has yummy candy corn I have been lusting after, ha ha!
I have been wanting Ken to see the Swedish Stieg Larsson trilogy, since I think they are pretty good (not as good as the books). He, however, have a tremendous aversion for anything subtitled. So when I saw the movies are available for free instant watch on our Amazon Prime account DUBBED I figured we would give it a go.
I hate the idea of a dubbed movie, and most of the times it comes out really awful, but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised, they actually did a very good job with it!
The first movie, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, is 2.5 hours long and he managed to see the entire thing without falling asleep, a good indication he really liked it! Seeing the second movie tonight...
Sarah's BFF just came over to stay the entire day, and they are already at full speed playing. Usually they make elaborate villages with the Littlest Pet Shop animals, sounds very complicated when they are doing it, but they seem to have lots of fun. I love listening to their discussions on decorating their pet's houses and so on. They are both so cute! :-)
I have been wanting Ken to see the Swedish Stieg Larsson trilogy, since I think they are pretty good (not as good as the books). He, however, have a tremendous aversion for anything subtitled. So when I saw the movies are available for free instant watch on our Amazon Prime account DUBBED I figured we would give it a go.
I hate the idea of a dubbed movie, and most of the times it comes out really awful, but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised, they actually did a very good job with it!
The first movie, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, is 2.5 hours long and he managed to see the entire thing without falling asleep, a good indication he really liked it! Seeing the second movie tonight...
Sarah's BFF just came over to stay the entire day, and they are already at full speed playing. Usually they make elaborate villages with the Littlest Pet Shop animals, sounds very complicated when they are doing it, but they seem to have lots of fun. I love listening to their discussions on decorating their pet's houses and so on. They are both so cute! :-)
Friday, September 9, 2011
Cat shelter
I often feel so bad for the stray cat that has adopted us, since it often rains like crazy here and I can tell in the morning after a bad stormy night how miserable he is. There is really nothing around here to take shelter in except for perhaps under a car or in a bush.
We had already talked about making a little shelter for him when it gets cold (last winter we had several weeks worth of freezing nights after all).
Sunday nigth we had a particularly bad rainy nigth and both Ken and I knew we couldn't stand it, we had to come up with some kind of cat shelter NOW.
I looked at materials and such to build one, but it almost came out as the same if I bought one, so I decided to do just that.
This is a smaller version of a dog house, adjusted in size for cats. It is igloo shaped, insulated and should keep him dry and toasty. It even has carpet inside!
I decided to put a piece of heavy duty plastic as a little roof outside to avert the worst rain and keep the entrance dry as well as the bowl.
Not pretty perhaps, but we don't care, and if the cat starts trusting the shelter he should be pretty happy with it.
We just have to let him check it out in his own time, but a good start is to place his food bowl right in front of it, and I put yummy treats inside to lure him in. I figured by placing a white towel I should be able to tell if he has slept in there, he having black fur and all...
Here it is:
We had already talked about making a little shelter for him when it gets cold (last winter we had several weeks worth of freezing nights after all).
Sunday nigth we had a particularly bad rainy nigth and both Ken and I knew we couldn't stand it, we had to come up with some kind of cat shelter NOW.
I looked at materials and such to build one, but it almost came out as the same if I bought one, so I decided to do just that.
This is a smaller version of a dog house, adjusted in size for cats. It is igloo shaped, insulated and should keep him dry and toasty. It even has carpet inside!
I decided to put a piece of heavy duty plastic as a little roof outside to avert the worst rain and keep the entrance dry as well as the bowl.
Not pretty perhaps, but we don't care, and if the cat starts trusting the shelter he should be pretty happy with it.
We just have to let him check it out in his own time, but a good start is to place his food bowl right in front of it, and I put yummy treats inside to lure him in. I figured by placing a white towel I should be able to tell if he has slept in there, he having black fur and all...
Here it is:
Bloggandet känns helt värdelöst just nu. Har varken tid att tänka, skriva eller knappt läsa andra bloggar!
Men det verkar som om jag har högst två veckor kvar på det här stora, långdragna projektet. DÅ hoppas jag på att kunna återgå till me rnormalt bloggandet som inte är skittåkigt. Lägga upp lite mer bilder osv.
Jag är lite sur på företaget som ska installera badrumsbänken. Det skulle ta en vecka från mallen till installation, så jag ringde igår för att höra när det blir. De har mig inbokad för installation nästa torsdag. Det är ju nästan två veckor efter mallen, plus att de inte har informerat mig!
Dessutom var det vid en tid då jag inte är hemma, så nu måste de boka om. De skulle återkomma. Jag hade bara ett krav från början, att det skulle vara klart till nästa lördag eftersom vi har gäster då. DET skulle inte vara några problem alls... jojo. Man ska aldrig lita på "contractors".
Nästa vecka börjar "after school clubs" på Sarahs skola.
Det fanns en del att välja mellan men det var bara en som lät spännande och det var hennes enda val. Klubben är på måndagar och heter "Oddussey of the Mind". Det låter väl intressant va? Tydligen ska de få lära sig problemlösning och kritiskt tänkande. Låter skithäftigt och KUL att hon har valt det istället för tex "cheerleading", "knitting" eller "board games". Jag hoppas på att vi har oss en liten Nerd, precis som vi! :-)
Hon har även gått med i en annan klubb på torsdagar, men den hålls inte av skolan men i skolan. Den heter Jackie's Art Club och är alltså precis som det låter en konstklubb där de får skapa en massa kul.
Bra blandning med lite nerd och lite artsy!
Men det verkar som om jag har högst två veckor kvar på det här stora, långdragna projektet. DÅ hoppas jag på att kunna återgå till me rnormalt bloggandet som inte är skittåkigt. Lägga upp lite mer bilder osv.
Jag är lite sur på företaget som ska installera badrumsbänken. Det skulle ta en vecka från mallen till installation, så jag ringde igår för att höra när det blir. De har mig inbokad för installation nästa torsdag. Det är ju nästan två veckor efter mallen, plus att de inte har informerat mig!
Dessutom var det vid en tid då jag inte är hemma, så nu måste de boka om. De skulle återkomma. Jag hade bara ett krav från början, att det skulle vara klart till nästa lördag eftersom vi har gäster då. DET skulle inte vara några problem alls... jojo. Man ska aldrig lita på "contractors".
Nästa vecka börjar "after school clubs" på Sarahs skola.
Det fanns en del att välja mellan men det var bara en som lät spännande och det var hennes enda val. Klubben är på måndagar och heter "Oddussey of the Mind". Det låter väl intressant va? Tydligen ska de få lära sig problemlösning och kritiskt tänkande. Låter skithäftigt och KUL att hon har valt det istället för tex "cheerleading", "knitting" eller "board games". Jag hoppas på att vi har oss en liten Nerd, precis som vi! :-)
Hon har även gått med i en annan klubb på torsdagar, men den hålls inte av skolan men i skolan. Den heter Jackie's Art Club och är alltså precis som det låter en konstklubb där de får skapa en massa kul.
Bra blandning med lite nerd och lite artsy!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Not much to report here, just working away...
Sarah spend most of the three day weekend playing with her friends. One leaves, and a minute later the next knocks on the door! Glad she is having fun.
Sarah and Ken went to play Pirate mini golf on Sunday, but not feeling so well I stayed home and just watched TV for a few hours. Haven't done that in a long time, very relaxing!
Everyone around us seem to have some sort of back-to-school cold or flu-like thing going on. I have been fighting something, but not too bad so far.
Something is up with a tooth of mine. Goody. Feels like pain inside the bone. The tooth had a root canal, so there should be no nerve left in it. It hurts when I chew at a certain angle, really odd. I am waiting to see if it will go away, but now it is on its third day, so I doubt I will be that lucky. Really don't feel like going to the dentist... I will wait a little longer!
Baxter the stray cat talked to me this morning! Sounded like he had an entire conversation before he devoured his breakfast. A little step forward for the shy little thing! At least I am glad he is not too skinny anymore.
So not much fun going on here at all, just work, work work for a few more weeks I am afraid. Hoping to get paid here soon so I can at least get out for a couple of hours of fun shopping, feel I need that.
So that was my boring update for now! :-)
Sarah spend most of the three day weekend playing with her friends. One leaves, and a minute later the next knocks on the door! Glad she is having fun.
Sarah and Ken went to play Pirate mini golf on Sunday, but not feeling so well I stayed home and just watched TV for a few hours. Haven't done that in a long time, very relaxing!
Everyone around us seem to have some sort of back-to-school cold or flu-like thing going on. I have been fighting something, but not too bad so far.
Something is up with a tooth of mine. Goody. Feels like pain inside the bone. The tooth had a root canal, so there should be no nerve left in it. It hurts when I chew at a certain angle, really odd. I am waiting to see if it will go away, but now it is on its third day, so I doubt I will be that lucky. Really don't feel like going to the dentist... I will wait a little longer!
Baxter the stray cat talked to me this morning! Sounded like he had an entire conversation before he devoured his breakfast. A little step forward for the shy little thing! At least I am glad he is not too skinny anymore.
So not much fun going on here at all, just work, work work for a few more weeks I am afraid. Hoping to get paid here soon so I can at least get out for a couple of hours of fun shopping, feel I need that.
So that was my boring update for now! :-)
Friday, September 2, 2011
Idag när jag skulle till mitt företags hemsida började mitt virusskydd blinka och tuta som bara den. Trojan horse! Web site blocked!!!
Va fan?
Efter lite fram och tillbaka med företaget som jag har hemsidan hos fick dom till slut fram att en sk automatisk bot hade lirkat sig in och försökte föra in kod på hemsidan, men det hade inte lyckats så det blev fel på flera sidor. Men boten gav tydligen utslag på virusskydd.
Undrar hur länge det har varit så? Inet kul när det gäller ens företag liksom...
Efter lite rengöring på deras sida, uppdateringar och lösenordsbyte fungerar nu allt som det ska igen. Och tydligen är en sådan här attack väldigt vanlig. Skitkul alltså, skrattar på mig vad kul...
Va fan?
Efter lite fram och tillbaka med företaget som jag har hemsidan hos fick dom till slut fram att en sk automatisk bot hade lirkat sig in och försökte föra in kod på hemsidan, men det hade inte lyckats så det blev fel på flera sidor. Men boten gav tydligen utslag på virusskydd.
Undrar hur länge det har varit så? Inet kul när det gäller ens företag liksom...
Efter lite rengöring på deras sida, uppdateringar och lösenordsbyte fungerar nu allt som det ska igen. Och tydligen är en sådan här attack väldigt vanlig. Skitkul alltså, skrattar på mig vad kul...
Vi ser fram emot 3 dagar "ledigt" - på måndag är det nämligen Labor Day (och icke officiell start på hösten).
Jag får dock jobba både imorgon och på måndag, men det gör inte så mycket.
I eftermiddag kommer en kille som ska göra en mall för den nya badrumsbänken. Sedan dröjer det ca en vecka innan den är klar. Har fixat lite annat med, så när allt är klart kommer hela badrummet att kännas nytt, det fatta sdå bara nytt kakel i duschen och på golvet.
Imorgon ska Sarah ha sin bästa kompis A här hela dagen, passar bra eftersom jag då kan jobba utan att höra gnäll om hur tråååkigt hon har :-).
På söndag får vi väl se om vi hittar på något kul.
LCHF-kosten är nu i full sving och det känns kanon! Har redan blitt av med några kilon, fast det bara är 1½ vecka. En av mina bästa väninnor var väldigt impad över hur bra det gått för oss, så hon har nu börjat med, så jag får guida henne lite. Vi har bjudit hem dem på LCHF-middag om ett par veckor, det ska bli kul!
Saken är den att jag bara har 1 kilo kvar tills jag är under det magiska 60-kilosstrecket! Det känns jättekonstigt, fattar knappt det! Så nytt mål är nu 126 lbs, dvs ca 57½ kilo.
Alttså, vi pratar om MIG här, under 60 kilo!!! Och ens tanken på att väga 57 kilo är ju befängt för mig, helt overkligt! Men så är det, tack LCHF, som får mig att må så BRA (ingen ledvärk), ger mig mer energi och låter mig sova bättre och så den HÄR bonusen, att faktiskt känna mig smal. Inte illa pinkat av en godisnarkoman...
Men vi har planerat några LCHF-uppehåll, över Thanksgiving ska vi få äta vad vi vill, likaså över julen. Och sedan 10-hela dagar då vi får kärt besök av kusin Mari och moster Pia från Sverige. Men annars väljer jag nog att äta så här på lång sikt. Det är ju lätt att göra uppehåll om man ska på semester eller liknande. 1 vecka eller så är OK utan att få tillbaka ledvärken, i Sverige tog det ca 1½ vecka innan den kom tillbaka, men då frossade jag verkligen i godis.
Och det är ju enkelt att vända när man väl kommer hem igen! Det är nog bara bra att man får ha perioder då man får fuska såhär tror jag, då har man ju lättare att hålla sig till den här kosten, fast jag börjar mer och mer lära mig att äta det som passar mig, så inga problem där. Och maken har blivit väldigt medveten om vad han stoppar i sig. Och hand mår också toppen
Det känns naturligt, har aldrig käkat så här mycket grönsaker förut. Ska bli intressant i december då jag ska ta blodprov och kolla en drös olika värden... Har en känsla att det kommer att visa riktigt BRA, speciellt när det gäller inflammationen... :-)
Jag får dock jobba både imorgon och på måndag, men det gör inte så mycket.
I eftermiddag kommer en kille som ska göra en mall för den nya badrumsbänken. Sedan dröjer det ca en vecka innan den är klar. Har fixat lite annat med, så när allt är klart kommer hela badrummet att kännas nytt, det fatta sdå bara nytt kakel i duschen och på golvet.
Imorgon ska Sarah ha sin bästa kompis A här hela dagen, passar bra eftersom jag då kan jobba utan att höra gnäll om hur tråååkigt hon har :-).
På söndag får vi väl se om vi hittar på något kul.
LCHF-kosten är nu i full sving och det känns kanon! Har redan blitt av med några kilon, fast det bara är 1½ vecka. En av mina bästa väninnor var väldigt impad över hur bra det gått för oss, så hon har nu börjat med, så jag får guida henne lite. Vi har bjudit hem dem på LCHF-middag om ett par veckor, det ska bli kul!
Saken är den att jag bara har 1 kilo kvar tills jag är under det magiska 60-kilosstrecket! Det känns jättekonstigt, fattar knappt det! Så nytt mål är nu 126 lbs, dvs ca 57½ kilo.
Alttså, vi pratar om MIG här, under 60 kilo!!! Och ens tanken på att väga 57 kilo är ju befängt för mig, helt overkligt! Men så är det, tack LCHF, som får mig att må så BRA (ingen ledvärk), ger mig mer energi och låter mig sova bättre och så den HÄR bonusen, att faktiskt känna mig smal. Inte illa pinkat av en godisnarkoman...
Men vi har planerat några LCHF-uppehåll, över Thanksgiving ska vi få äta vad vi vill, likaså över julen. Och sedan 10-hela dagar då vi får kärt besök av kusin Mari och moster Pia från Sverige. Men annars väljer jag nog att äta så här på lång sikt. Det är ju lätt att göra uppehåll om man ska på semester eller liknande. 1 vecka eller så är OK utan att få tillbaka ledvärken, i Sverige tog det ca 1½ vecka innan den kom tillbaka, men då frossade jag verkligen i godis.
Och det är ju enkelt att vända när man väl kommer hem igen! Det är nog bara bra att man får ha perioder då man får fuska såhär tror jag, då har man ju lättare att hålla sig till den här kosten, fast jag börjar mer och mer lära mig att äta det som passar mig, så inga problem där. Och maken har blivit väldigt medveten om vad han stoppar i sig. Och hand mår också toppen
Det känns naturligt, har aldrig käkat så här mycket grönsaker förut. Ska bli intressant i december då jag ska ta blodprov och kolla en drös olika värden... Har en känsla att det kommer att visa riktigt BRA, speciellt när det gäller inflammationen... :-)
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