Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The worst nightmare imaginable

I often complain about being sick, frankly, it sucks. I often feel sorry for myself, but I usually pick myself up, realizing I have it pretty good and should not complain so much. Today I got reminded of how lucky I truly am...

I was picking up Sarah from preschool when I stopped dead in my tracks in the receptionist area. I sign that had been put up caught my eye, a sign that made my blood turn to ice. It was a memorial for a little girl who had gone to the daycare center at Sarah's school. She had died at only 3 months old. My immediate reaction was to get chills and tear up. That would probably be the worst nightmare I can imagine, my daughter dying! I don't know how she died, a lot of things can have gone wrong, but I cannot imagine what the parents are going though. What could be worse than loosing your flesh and blood? The memorial sign had her picture, so full of life. She looked like the kind of little girl that would have given her parents a lot of joy!

The school will close early tomorrow so the teachers and others who want can attend the little girl's memorial service.

This is the kind of sobering moments when you realize how damn lucky you are in life! Life is not a given...


Annika said...

Det är nog det värsta som kan hända: att förlora sitt barn.
Du har rätt, man ska inte ta ngt för givet.

Desiree said...

Åh vad sorgligt. Jag håller också med om att det nog är det värsta som kan hända att förlora ett barn. Ibland är det bra att man får upp ögonen och får perpektiv på sina egna problem. Det finns mycket man borde vara tacksam över i ens liv.