This has of course everything to do with the very successful surgery I had back in October. It turned my life around greatly, and I am very happy about how it worked out. I was just thinking about the fact this morning, that if I had decided not to have the surgery, or postponed it, who knows what could have happened, considering there was cancer in my colon? It was meant to come out, that is for sure.
I just feel so free now, ready to start a new chapter in my life, one with as little medical problems as possible.
And right now I am renewing and cleaning out here at home. Out with the old, in with the new! I just feel like getting things done, sprucing up and weeding out. Kind of that haircut; off with the tired old stuff, let new growth come out!
Another thing we had to get here before the floors are fixed is a large rug for the living room. We have a heavy stone coffee table, and we don't want it to scratch up the new tile. Plus, I am sure both Sarah and the dogs will appreciate something soft to hang out on. Plus our living room (a so called great room) has a very high ceiling, so a soft rug would dampen any echo effect.
Our decorating style (MY decorating style) is pretty simple. I am not a knick-knack collector, I like clean, simple and modern lines. But I also like some tropical accents here and there, especially palm trees, we DO live in Florida after all. So this is the 5x7 feet rug I got:

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