Monday, April 21, 2008

What the...?

As you know from below I finally sold our entertainment center yesterday.

I had a posting on, but hadn't really had more than inquiries. I had previously had it listed for a higher price, with only one offer lower than what we were asking. Now when we had decided to go down in price, I emailed the guy who had offered the lower payment previously.

He said he was still interested, but that he would not be able to pick it up until the following week. He asked if he could come by to look at it and decide if it was what he wanted, and then let me know if he wanted to buy it or not. I said sure, if you come by and decide you want it I will hold it. He was suppose to come by on Thursday, but he never came, called or contacted me in any other way. People change their minds all the time, so no big deal. This other lady called, and they came and looked at it and took it on the spot.

Now a few minutes ago the guy emails me and asks when he can come by and take it. I informed him someone else got it.

I get this email back:

You broke a verbal contract which is the same in U.S. law as a written contract. I could take you to Small Claims Court. Aside from that you earned yourself a poor reputation on CraigsList and showed what you are really made of.
What? We never agreed on anything other than I would hold it IF he decided he wanted it AFTER he looked at it! Which he never did. That really pisses me off, threatening me like that.
I am not sure what he means with "poor reputation on CraigsList, since it doesn't have any feedback like eBay have. Stuff like this really gives me a bad taste. Fia, you if anyone would know, is this a problem for me? Yeez, now you can't even sell your own crap without anyone going postal on you... Creepy!


Saltistjejen said...

Detta verkar hända mer eller mindre hela tiden när folk säljer saker på Craig's List. Har en kollega som råkade ut för liknadne saker. Flera gånger Så nu har han bestämt sig för att enabrt sälja på ebay. För enligt honomm är det lättare där.

Vissa personer är bara inte sanna!!!??
Jag tror dock inte du behöver oroa dig ett dugg!

Desiree said...

Jag tycker absolut inte att du gjorde något fel. Jag hade resonerat på exakt samma sätt. Det är väl upp till honom att höra av sig om han inte kan komma på den dagen som han sagt att han skulle komma för annars händer det att du säljer till någon annan. Så funkar det överallt. Jag tycker inte att du ska känna dig dålig över detta. Jag tror att det bara är tomma hot från denne killes sida.

Fia said...

Här är mitt svar till denna idiot:

"Please sue me in small claims court! We had a verbal agreement, for you to come by and take a look at the entertainment center - which you broke by not showing up. So if you were to sue me, you would save me the trouble to sue you for breach of contract and as a mother and small business owner, time is somewhat lacking some days for me. In the box for damages, just leave it empty and I will complete that later. Thank you so much! The only problem as I see it is if the judge will understand a defendant acting as a plaintiff, but let us hope we will find the judge understanding."

Enkelt va? LOL Idioter finns det gott om och du har absolut inget att oroa dig för då det var han som först bröt erat muntliga kontrakt. Kram!!

S w e F l o said...

Jag har inte hört något från honom igen. Han vet ju inte ens vad jag heter! Ja men man blir ju lite skärrad, med påhopp sådär! Tack!

JaCal said...

Ugh - vad obehagligt! Trist med knäppa typer. Lägg dig bakom dig och var nöjd att du blev av med möblen nu och inte sen när han skulle behaga dyka upp... surgubbe... världen är full av olyckliga personer.

Marianne said...

Idioter finns det gott om! Och Fia har rätt, det var han som bröt kontraktet först, så du har nog inget att oroa dig för.