Sunday, May 31, 2009


Sometimes I just wonder how mens brains work...

This morning Ken was going to get some coffee, and he said he would go by the grocery store to get some ready made subs for our picnic, we are planning on visiting Fort Desoto Park for some hiking and swimming today.

I was in bed reading, and he was getting dressed in his swim shorts. He said he wanted to save time later (he was going to work some before we leave). I just rolled my eyes and told him I was glad I didn't have to go with him to the store with him wearing that...

Then he gets home. He announced they did not have any ready made subs yet (but they will probably later on, so we could just have waited until we were ready to leave and get some...)

NO. He decides he is going to make his own sandwiches. And that is fine absolutely! BUT the stuff he gets for making his sandwiches are roast beef (LOTS of roast beef), mustard and onion, with a side dish of baked beans. WTF??? So I am not exactly happy. Not the kind of sandwich a normal person would like to eat... And then he goes ballistic, screaming I am an ungrateful bitch and that had done nothing but complained all morning (???), about his shorts and now the food.

So he can go and buy crap like that, and I am just suppose to be happy about it? That is not how life works, man. I am so pissed.
I know he always get cranky when he is stressed about work, and I am usually the one who gets to hear it, but this really pisses me off BIG time.

He can take his PMS and show it.

How is your weekend going? ;-)


Ewa said...

Vi har planterar om och målat lite idag. I går var vi en hel skock hos mor och fick lite mat. Eller Nej. Dom fick mat men inte jag. Hon hade varit så hygglig och lagt i svamp och när jag hade lagt upp och undrade vad det var i maten sa hon "Jag kom inte ihåg att du inte åt svamp" Jag hade inte en sagt något om någon svamp, men hon visste direkt. Jag blev jävligt förbannad faktiskt. Annars har jag just 45 grader på balkongen. Och det är likadant på uteplatsen. Alltså är jag inne och Alf är och handlar.
Kramar från Styrmansgatan Visby

Sophia said...

Ja som föregånde talare var ja åxå hos mormor igår. Va ju tvungen å visa det nya tillägget i klanen! Mat fick ja åxå. (ja äter ju svamp) hehe, skojar bara Ewa... Annars har den här dagen varit piss å pest å senaps gas! Karl***** är en rövslickare så han ligger på STOOOOORT minus just nu, min bästa vän svek mig idag när hon nu lovat dyrt å heligt att hon skulle komma för att fira Adam ( Hon råka visst glömma det idag) ella hur... Men åka till sin karl går bra.. Ungarna e allmänt jävliga, å ja har förmodligen vaknat på fel sida idag. Kram från Sproge

Anonymous said...

Verkar som om de flesta männen ballat ur just nu ;-D Är så TRÖTT på´t. Kanske värmen vi fick här hemma! Kram Anna

S w e F l o said...

Verkar som det har varit riktigt varmt på Gotland, och med tanke på hur kallt det varit fram till nu så måste det avra skönt...

Anonymous said...

Appreciate what you have. Maybe, you should have said, hey thanks. I appreciate your efforts instead of gripe, gripe, gripe, nag, nag, nag... I hate this, I hate that. Geez...

If he wants to wear his bathing suite, let him. What is the harm? Why are you attempting to take away his manhood?