On my way to pick up Sarah from school I have to drive down a smaller road that is pretty heavily trafficked.
To my surprise I almost ran over a little puppy that was running around on the street. There were no people around.
I immediately stopped, hopped out of the car and grabbed the puppy, since there was probably just a matter of minutes before the little thing was going to be flatten on that street.
He was very cute and friendly, some kind of mix between mini wiener dog and chihuahua or something like that.
The house right in front of where I found the puppy seemed to be the most likely place he could have come from, a small duplex. So I went up there and knocked on the door that seemed to have sounds coming out from behind it.
A man and his two little kids opened and I asked if it was his puppy. I also made sure to tell him that I almost ran it over...
He replied that yes, it was his. He grabbed the little guy and I gave him a little friendly reprimand that he might want to keep a better eye on him, but I don't think the guy heard me much. He was already on his way to the back of the house, where he locked the little guy behind a fenced off area...
Is that a life for a very young little puppy? Out in the open in a backyard, with all those bugs and other animals, not to mention the weather? And it seemed like if he had gotten out once, I doubt it will be the last time.
I felt so sad for the little dog, that is just not a way to treat a pet...
It is awful. The other day I was at meijer and when I came out in the car next to mine, there was a little dog panting his brains out. The windows were cracked just about a half inch and it was 87 degrees an full sun. Of course I had to go in and have them call the owner...who I.... btw.... wanted to dropkick.
I just wonder how life is for that dog on a daily basis.
I just can't stand when animals get mistreated, it is not like they have a choice. Some people are just cruel and see nothing wrong with it. A couple in Tampa was just thrown in jail for having their dog chained up outside with no food. He was just skin and bones. Their defense? They could not afford dog food! Well, in that case, give the dog away, morons!
So why do you not report him to the Animal protection unit?
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