Friday, February 22, 2013

I must have been tough?

Sarah and I were out getting some stuff at the store. We were really sweaty and thirsty, so I let her get a small lemonade and I got some mineral water. She also got a small mini bag of chips. She was in chock, she thought that was so nice of me to get her chips!

Apparently I have been very good in not buying her crap at the store the last few months, so now when I got her something she really appreciated it! :-)

Have to work a lot more today, so I think dinner will be a stir fry from our local Thai place... No time for cooking tonight, just want to relax after work, eat and veg out.

My snack for tonight? Almonds! I got the spicy Wasabi & Soy Sauce kind today, usually I get plain to keep the carbs as low as possible, but this brand did not have any added sugar, so a splurged on a Friday night treat! ;.)


Jenny said...

Oh, vad koper du for marke da - jag alskar wasabi och soy mandlar, men det marke jag hittat, Blue Diamond, har socker tillsatt som tredje ingrediens efter mandar och nan, klart onyttig fleromattad, olja... MEN, de ar ju saa goda, ha ha

Anonymous said...

Stackars lilla Sarah! hehe, nej.
Jag måste säga att det känns uppfriskande att hör att ett barn blir glad för något så litet, och starkt av dig att inte ge med dig speciellt ofta, kan tänka mig att det annars är lätt hänt.


SweFlo said...

Jag kommer inte ihåg vad det var för märke (tror det var Richard's Whole Foods eget), det var något ekologiskt på hälsokostaffären i en sådan där bunke man tar själv i påse.