Wow, I sound like a drunk redneck in the last post, but I was pretty out of it! I am still here. I was suppose to go home today, but then I started having pain again, and an x-ray and CT-scan later it was deemed likely that I already had or might develop another blockage. So they want to keep me for a few more days, pump me full with fluids and keep an eye on me.
My bowels are still super swollen, and I look at least 7 months pregnant, freaky shit! It will apparently take several weeks before the swelling goes down. People will really wonder when they see me!
No more nasal tube or foley katheter. Thel alslo let me eat soewhat normal food now, though I get full after a few bites since there is no room in my gigantic belly for anything but intestines right now...
I have to wear a heart monitor at all times, since my pulse tend to really speed up when my body is under stress or pain, and every time it gets over 130 they come in and give me a shot to calm it down. It often reaches as high as 150!
Last night I was so miserable when I found out I couldn't go home yet. On top of that they forgot to give me a sheet and blanket, and I was tired of having to call for a nurse every time I needed something. Plus, some times it can take up to 3 hours until you get help! But that is not the norm, only when it gets super crazy busy qaround here. But that is still not fun when you deseperatly are waiting for some pain meds, crying in pain.
My doctor is not here over the weekend, and I am sure he would have let me go home! He knows how important it is for me to see Sarah's first day in school. Now I will most likely only see that in pictures.
There was a lot of drama here last night, one patient was a Baker's Act patient, meaning she was involuntarily admitted. She had surgery and then she was sent of to psych. She kept doing all kinds of crazy stuff, like calling the police! (Britney Spears was Baker Acted). I feel for the patient's husband, they are both in their 80s!
Now, thanks to Ken leaving me the laptop, I am going to watch some Swedish TV.
I will try to have the computer on during the days, if any friends or family want to chat via MSN Live.
Take care!
Huu...gumman!! eftersom jag inte har nån bra dag ;-) måste jag ju bara fälla en liten tår när jag läser om att du inte får följa med Sarah på sin första skoldag. Krya på dig hjärtat mitt!! Kram från Anna
Åh, vilken eländig tajming och fasen att det ska vara så busy just nu, när du behöver ha hjälp!!
Förstår hur otroligt ledsen du är över första skoldagen - du får ta igen ordentligt nästa år när det är start av 1st grade och göra det till en stoooor dag!! Och så kan ni fira "First week of school" på fredag när ni hämtar Sarah! Inte riktigt samma sak - men kanske något lite annorlunda när nu omständigheterna verkligen inte var på er sida!!
Å jag skickar tusen kramar till dig!!!!
Fy vad hemsklt att du måste stanna kvar på sjukhuset. Jag har tänkt på dig mycket sedan ditt förra inlägg och undrat hur allt gått. Jag är jätteledsen att du missar Sarahs första skoldag. Usch. Men jag hoppas verkligen att du snart snart snart känner dig bättre och får komma hem!
Krya på dig nu och som sagt kramar från New York!!!
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