Thursday, August 28, 2008

SWAT in our neighbourhood!

Just got back form swim class. Police cars EVERYWHERE, I counted at least 15-20! People in swarms on out street. Turns out a guy is holding his significant other hostage under gun point two streets down. Our street is the only one in the entire place that is open! They have evacuated people from the streets closer, and a SWAT team is here, along with medical personnel and I don't know what. Media is starting to swarm in, so I am sure we will here the details on the news soon.

Luckily Mari's plane is 45 minutes delayed, since it will take some time to get back out of here...

Weird, in our nice, calm little neighbourhood!


Saltistjejen said...

Ojojoj!!! Nästan så man förväntar sig Jack Bauer komma farande då eller??
Men ärligt talat låter det lite läskigt. Hål dig inomhus och borta från fönster o dörrar IFALL det blir skottlossning!!!

Anonymous said...

ja jag säger då det... du saknar inte drama i din vardag...

kul att du får saker från Sverige som du kan smaska på... och bara njuuuta...
