Monday, August 25, 2008

I asked for some help...

I finally decided it was ridiculous trying to walk the dogs when I keep blacking out, so I called me next door neighbor and asked her to walk the dogs. She thought I had family over, so she hadn't want to bother me, but she was over with her little grand daughter in 2 minutes, and the dogs, men and everyone are now happy!


Saltistjejen said...


Saltistjejen said...


Saltistjejen said...


Petra H said...

Jättebra!! Skönt att höra att du får hjälp!!

aussiekicki said...

Vad skönt att du mår lite bättre och att du får hjälp med hundarna av grannen. Vilken pärs du har gått igenom, hoppas verkligen att du får må bra nu!