Since I will have a few hours on my hands stuck in a chair with a needle in my arm on Thursday, I was trying to come up with some suitable project I can work on on the laptop. I don't think I want to actually work, since I would be too frustrated if I can't get on the Internet.
But I want to make a nice movie about where we live and our home. I don't have a video camera, since our Sony Mavica store everything on CD and you can actually make up to a 30 minute movie on it. I was thinking about making several smaller segments and then put it all together using Microsoft Movie Maker, which I have on both my regular compute rand the laptop. I just don't know how to use it yet, so I figured Thursday would be a good time to play around with it and figure it out.
While I was looking through a few old movie clips I came across a little 10 minute movie I made when we had just moved into our larger apartment 5 years ago, in July of 2002. This was pre-daughter, and just look how neat and uncluttered everything was! I thought some of you might get a kick out of seeing how we used to live! I will try to post the new movie as well when I get around to making it.
Just click here to watch the clip!
Vilket kul initiativ att göra en film om hur man bor! Och nej, den var inte tråkig. Tack för titten ska du göra en likadan där du bor nu?
Jag ska försöka göra en från nutid inom den närmsta månaden. Tänkte ta med till Sverige och visa de som inte har varit och besökt oss, så de kan se hur vi bor!
Jättekul att se din film. Jag tycker den var kul och välgjord. Ser fram emot att få ser mer film hur ni bor nu. Dina hundar är för gulliga. Tror att det är extra kul för släkt och vänner i sverige som inte har möjlighet att komma och hälsa på.
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