Thursday, June 21, 2007


The last two weeks I have done the same amount of work I normally do in a month. I am beat! I just want to have some incoming money in the pipeline when we go on vacation, it is not like I get a paid vacation or anything!

I did my second Remicade infusion today, everything went without a glitch. The next one will be on July 24, after we get back from Sweden.

My colon is doing really bad today, it has been hard to get any sleep, and I don't like the amount of bleeding I have seen. But, there is nothing I can do about it right now, so I will just have to take it day by day and hope the Remicade actually will work... but I really don't have much hope for it...

k is mowing the yard, he has been so busy (still is) so the grass is way too tall... After that we are going to eat some yummy Thai food that he brought home to his harried overworked poor wife who is starving ;-)!

K has decided to fire the very nice woman he has had for 6 months. 6 months is the key here, that is how much time she has had to get with the program, but she still messes up all the details ALL the time... He hired her to take a load off of himself, but he ends up redoing most of her work anyway... It just goes to tell you people can look great on paper but be a dud in real life. He was ready to hire a second person anyway, so he put an ad in for receptionist/bookkeeper and a CPA. He doubts he will find a CPA, the job market is really tight here. But all he can do is offer a good compensation package (free, 100 % paid health care is hard to find these days!) So far a lot of resumes, but only one potentially promising candidate... We will make a decision after we come home from Sweden.

I need to veg out on the couch now, so over and out!


Anne-Marie said...

Hoppas verkligen att dina behandlingar skall ge effekt och att du kan känna dig bättre. Du får ta det lugnt i Sverige och vila upp dig. Glad midsommar!

S w e F l o said...

Vila i Sverige? Men det kan jag ju göra när jag kommer hem, ha, ha! Nej, det blir full rulle! Min man har ju aldrig varit i Sverige, så det ska bli extra kul att visa runt honom. Känne rmig som en turist, faktiskt!