A lot of times when I work on a translation project I can get really interested in the text. Like today, I have translated three manuals for a new type of steam mop. Reading all the details about this device really makes me want one! Seems like the perfect way to clean our tile floors, which are really difficult to keep/get clean.
What I really like about this device is that it is environmentally friendly too! All you need is regular tap water, and you can sanitize your floors/showers etc. It has a mop head pad that is machine washable; just toss in the laundry after you are done! Nothing else you have to buy. But of course this particular British model is only available on the European market, but I checked and found a bunch of similar US models, like the Bissell 1867.
A few years ago I was working on a campaign for ice cream makers, and sure enough, I ended up buying a similar ice cream machine after reading all the yummy stuff I could make!
A lot of these user manuals are for products that have not hit the market yet, I am currently involved in a project for a well know mobile phone manufacturer. Lets just say they are coming out with some really cool features in a near future... but I can't tell you what since I signed a confidentially agreement!
One of the fun sides of being a translator is definitely all the little inside information you get! And my absolute favourite thing about this profession is all the different little knowledge you pick up over the years! A lot of text is often very detailed, and I tend to get really into it, so you just learn all kinds of things, since projects vary immensely!
It is very interesting to translate texts. My dad and I had a book publishing company - we translated books from English to Swedish and we often found that there were no words in Swedish that really covered the English ones. What languages do you translate?
Ja, det måste helt klart vara jätteroligt jobb du har eftersom jobben/översättningarna varierar och som du säger du får lära dig nya grejer hela tiden. Variation är kul och viktigt i ett jobb.
När jag jobbade inom kriminalvården så hade vi risktillägg då vi jobade på avdelningar som ansågs farligare än andra. Det skulle kanske du ha också? Jag menar lite extra betalat om det är så att du inte kan låta bli att köpa en del grejor du skriver om? Kram!
Fia, det vore ju nått! "Jag vill ha extra betalt så jag kan köpa er produkt!. Eller så kanske man skulle begära ett "prov" på någon produkt man gillade, i "jobbsyfte" så klart... Jag skulel ha hela huset fullt med allehanda prylar! :-)
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