In a few minutes I am off for my second Remicade infusion. Too bad it takes 3 hours, I have so much work to do today!
I talked to my gastroenterologist the other day, and he said I need to do at least 4 treatments before we can say it isn't working... So far nothing but more stomach problems. He carefully pointed out that if it didn't work, "we have to look at other treatment options". That was a very slick way of him saying: SURGERY. That is my last option...
You can technically cure Ulcerative Colitis with surgery. IF the surgery is successful, which you of course won't know until about 6 months after. The modern UC surgery is called Ileal-Anal Pouch Anastomosis. They remove the entire colon and rectum, make a little pouch out of the small intestine, attach that to your anus. Then you have to have a temporary stomach bag for going to the bathroom for about 6 months so the internal pouch can heal. After that you will go to the bathroom normally. Usually most people will still have at least 7 bowel movements a day since there is no colon to absorb all the water from the food, therefore it will be more watery. But no pain and suffering... 95 % usually have success, the others end up with a permanent external bag for the rest of their life, after going to the long grueling (7 hours +) surgery with a long recovery...
So lets just hope Remicade is it for me! :-)
Jag hoppas verkligen att remicade behandlingen kommer att funka för dig. Låter inte så kul att genomgå en stor operation, speciellt inte om man inte vet att det kommer att bli bättre. Håller tummarna allt vad det går att du ska må bättre med medicinen.
Du Crocks har nu också kommit till Sverige. Finns nu på hyllan som heter Fashion Focus i skobutikerna. Jag antar att allt som finns i USA förr eller senare kommer till lilla Sverige.
Ja fast Crocs kostar ca $70 i Sverige jämfört med ca $30 här i USA, så de är poulära presenter! :-)
Jag instämmer sååå med Desiree, jag hoppas, hoppas att det kommer att funka! Och att du får må bra under din Sverigeresa. Midsommarkram får Georgia!
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