Monday, June 4, 2007

Pain and more pain

I had to make an appointment to see my dear old Dr B on Wednesday. I don't know if it is because I have tapered down to a low dose on the steroids, and I am not taking anything else (normally I would be on an immune suppressant as well), but I have been having all kinds of assorted pain pop up. My face still hurts, my old hip pain is back, my ribs are really tender, and what really worries me is a new pain over both areas where the kidneys are. My teeth even hurt! That, I know, is a side effect of the steroids...

It just seems my whole body is flaring up a little. It has been very hard to sleep, with all the pain and the diarrhea going on. I sure hope the Remicade will do some good, not that I have very high hopes... I think it might be time to ask for some pain killers again, I have held off for about 7 months asking for them. Pain pills scare me a little, since you hear so many scary stories of people getting hooked, but I think that would be far fetched.

I have had to take various pain pills over the years, and I have never had any problems with only taking when needed and then stop. I have however, it seems, a sensitivity to morphine when given as an injection in the hospital. It has given me an anxiety attack twice (and I have only had three attacks in my life).

But if I am going to be traveling for 24 hours I would like to have a back up plan if the pain gets really bad. I rather be all happy and over loving (that is me on "happy pill") than grumpy, cranky and ready t tear someones head off! Plus, a good nights sleep would be appreciated...


Desiree said...

Lite smärtstillande kan du nog allt behöva. När kommer du börja med Remicade behandlingen? Hur lång tid tar det innan du vet om det funkar bra med Remicade? Du är verkligen en stark person. Jag skickar en hoppas du mår bättre snart kram.

S w e F l o said...

På torsdag är det Remicade-dags. Jag har inte så höga förhoppningar eftersom de flesta (som det funkar för) känner förbättring inom typ en dag, och jag kände aldrig någon skillnad förra året. Visserligen fick jag behandling i fel intervall, men jag borde troligtvis ha märkt om det funkade ändå. Men man kan ju hoppas! :-)