Friday, February 20, 2009

Intestinal trouble again

Forgot to mention, I have another intestinal infection. Since I have learned my lesson (a week in the hospital, hello!), I called the doctor right away and hopefully the antibiotics will kick in.

I am just a bit nervous about the weekend, since these kind of infections are painful, it feels like having an infected appendix. Well, technical, it is sort of the same thing, an infected intestine is an infected intestine. So I have a feeling it might be a painful weekend, not exactly what I need with all this work I have to do...

Well, at least the surgery worked great, and I am very thankful to have a "normal" life now, infections and blockages are part of the package deal, just have to take it and live with it.

No big deal as long as I stay out of the hospital, THAT is NOT FUN, and I have NO DESIRE to go back to that. My goal is NO HOSPITAL STAYS this year, do you hear that, body? :-)

1 comment:

Saltistjejen said...

NEJ vad trist!! Stackars dig. Hoppas verkligen att du snart blir bättre igen vännen!
Och det var iallafall bra att du kontaktade läkaren tidigt nu! Bättre att ha koll så att det inte blir sjukhus igen.
SKickar lite krya-på-dig-styrke-kramar!!!