Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Summer plans

When school is out for the summer we will have to figure out what to do with Sarah. She would go stir-crazy being home every day, which would make me go crazy. Besides, I wouldn't be able to work much if she was here all the time.

This is the first year we have to think about this, since she was still in preschool last year and just continued on in the same school over summer.

So the best solution we figured, would be some kind of summer camp. Preferable one with lots of fun activities!

There are a lot of choices in our county, some all athletic inspired, some more or less like regular day care.

I think we found one that would be perfect! The only bad part is that it is a bit to drive every day...

It is a Farm Summer Camp. She would be there between 9 in the morning to 1:30 in the afternoon. The farm itself is familiar to us, since we have been there back in 2006 for a day of horseback riding. They have all kinds of horses, ponies, donkeys, potbellied pigs, bunnies, ducks, chickens and dogs, and the kids (their will only be 6 kids in all) will help take care of them, as well as ride the ponies. There will also be arts and crafts and other fun stuff.

Sounds like the perfect fun place to be! Now we just have to wait and see if we can get a spot there for the summer... Wish they allowed adults too, both Ken and I want to go!


Anonymous said...

Låter super kul för Sarah.
Håller tummarna på att hon får en plats.

Veronica said...

Det låter som en perfekt plats att vara på. Både för vuxna och barn :)


Agnetha said...

Om hon gillar sport finns det ju en idrotts Academi i Bradenton,IMG Academies
Min dotter har varit där 2 eller 3somrar. Massa barn från nästan hela världen.