I feel such a rush of spring! I just want to get out in the yard and start planting things, I am really itching! The planting season has officially started for most plants here in Florida, and the rest will follow within a week or two. We are in growing zone 10a, which is next to the warmest growing zone in America, so that could explain it.
The temperatures are now pleasant and nature has really started to morph into cascades of green around here.
Since I most likely will not get in on the community farm being on a wait list and all, I decided to grow my own organic veggies.
Not an easy task, considering our yard is all sand under the grass. To the rescue comes the Earth Box. This smart set up was invented by a vegetable farmer, who's family has been growing veggies here locally since 1901. He knows his stuff. The Earth Box has become an international success, and I can't wait to try it out!
It is ideal for a person like me that only have a very light green thumb, and who is struggling against the Florida heat and bugs. This baby will help. It is a garden in a box, the set up contains all you need, so you just have to add water to the reservoir every so often.
I am planning on getting 3 boxes to start, and I will try my luck with tomatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers, salad, herbs en masse, scallions and perhaps a few more things.
This is how a set up with several boxes can look like:
Since veggies really thrive in these boxes you can often get a better harvest than from traditional containers. A normal crop usually could be 50 lbs of tomatoes from one box...
The best part is that though Earth Box has their headquarters in Scranton, PA, their Research Center is just 14 minutes from my house... Based on information I have gotten from other people they love to help you out and give great advise, so if I can fight the Florida bugs (and there are tons of them), I am looking forward to eating my own veggies this summer. And if it works good I will add more for sure. I am thinking broccoli and onions, perhaps carrots? Mmmmm...
I am thinking about taking Sarah to the Research Center this weekend and scope out the boxes and perhaps buy them. We will see... The garden centers around here are now teeming with seedlings just waiting to be planted, so I might not be able to hold off until the big project is finished. Sarah and I planted some lettuce yesterday, in a regular pot. It will be her own growing experiment, and we will follow it every day to see how it grows. She seems pretty excited about it. Maybe she will taste some too... Who knows, miracles do happen...
Låter som en smart uppfinning.
Man är lite avis på att du kan odla vissa grönsaker utan att behöva ha dem i ett växthus, speciellt så här års när grönsaker och fruk i sverige inte är något vidare roliga.
Ang. Sarah så skulle det ju vara toppen bra om projektet skulle få henne att börja äta grönsaker.
JA hit har inte våren kommit riktigt än. Något som kommit är däremot regn med lite snö i!
Ooooh vad härligt!!
Jag vill också...
Ibalnd saknar jag en liten uteplats eller balkong jättemycket. Älskade att odla lite grönsaker o kryddor på vår pyttelilla balkong i Stockholm.
Tror du man kan odla i sådana där boxar inomhus???
Fast de är kasnke superstora??
Örter går ju helt klart om man har rätt ljus, men grönsaker kräver ju pollinering, så det blir nog lite knepigare.
I just saw a television show featuring those-- I really want some! Very cool.
Man kan pollinera själv :)
Ta en fjäder och pensla blomma för blomma och se till att alla fått sitt. Så gör jag när arbetarna strejkar eller är i grannens trädgård.
Alla kramar på Styrmansgatan Visby går idag till dig och Sarah
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