Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I have been trying for a while to buy a share in a local so called CSA, a Community Supported Agriculture Operation.

The particular CSA I am interested in is called Geraldson's Farm and they have 200 member shares each season.

Basically, you pay a one time fee and get to pick up your bounty of usually 6-8 different kinds of veggies, November-May. You also get a free picking day when you can go to the farm and pick all you want at no extra cost. This comes out to about $16 a week, way less than I currently spend on produce. It is like a subscription to vegetables!

Plus, this is all organic and since it is grown just down the road from us, it feels a lot better than buying veggies flown in from, sometimes, even other countries. Minimal carbon footprint compared to produce from, say, South America. And just imagine how many more nutrients there is in freshly picked over stuff that has been trucked around for a week or so...

I also think it makes a great learning opportunity for Sarah, to really get to see where all the veggies come from and follow their growth (and maybe maybe get to her to actually eat some of it!).

As a member you are welcome to volunteer at the farm anytime you want, another great learning opportunity. But I have to say it appeals to me being able to go there once a week and pick up my already assembled share without having to pull one single weed...

This CSA also offer a Farm Buying club, which means that for a $20 annual fee you can order fresh, local and organic eggs and meat.

The growing season in Florida starts in November and ends in May, so it would not be until fall. Only one problem: I am not exactly the only local who finds this a great idea, so for now I have to suffice being on the wait list and hope someone else changes their mind...

If you live in the US and are interesting in finding a similar CSA in your community, just go to Local Harvest and search. There are Swedish alternatives too, one I know of is called Bondens Egen Marknad.


Anonymous said...

Jo Bondens egen markand är grym. Brukar handla julklappar till Farmor Och Mormor där. I stället för saker som de redan har fullt av så brukar jag köpa lite roliga och annorlunda matprodukter till dem. Tror att de uppskattar det. Farmors favorit är i allfall deras syltadetomater. fungerar varje år...

Ewa said...

Absoluta basen för mina grönsaker är platsodlade.Jag blir bara förbannade när jag ser hur de behandlar grönsaker i affären. Visst en del måste jag köpa på naturlig väg s a s men den känns bra att jag har lite koll.
Kramar från ett fruset Visby