Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Weird dream!

I guess it has something to do with being married to a CPA (revisor)...

This morning I actually remembered a crazy dream I had. I was invited to dinner (by myself) to a couple of (foreign) friends of ours. Due to their culture, it was considered polite to go topless (!!!), so I did. But while they were prepping dinner, I noticed more guests dropping in, and they hadn't told me I was not the only guest. So I quickly covered up, but I was very annoyed, since I did not bring a bra, and I was thinking I would make a much better impression with, er... a little more lift under the shirt, so to say.

More and more people I did not know came by, and I went for a little walk outside.

I went back inside, and I noticed my friends were giving out stuff to the other guests. Turns out the other guests all had bought stuff from them on eBay. One of them had even bought an old car from them for $6,600! Most of the stuff were old book and LPs (don't see those too much nowadays).

I just stood to the side and did not know what to do, when all if a sudden some official looking people came running in with briefcases in their hands. Turns out they were from the Florida State Tax Office, there to bust all the buyers and my friends, the sellers, for not having paid/collected Sales & Use Tax on the stuff bought/sold.

They went around to each buyer with a printout from eBay saying how much tax they owed based on the price of the item they bought. The guy with the car was in shock, that was a lot of tax money for that car...

One of the "agents" came up to me with an attitude and told me I owed so and so much. I informed them my name and that they had the wrong person since I did not buy anything.

Right before I woke up I was getting ready to save the day by informing everyone that Sales & Use Tax is NOT required for used items...

So what does all THAT mean? Weird!

1 comment:

Marianne said...

Hahaha, visst undrar man ibland vad man håller på med om nätterna!
