Saturday, March 28, 2009

I knew it!

There was no chance that I would be able to resist the second book, Stieg Larsson's "Flickan som lekte med elden". I plowed through the entire thing, over 600 pages... and I have a feeling I will read the third and last book in the trilogy tomorrow. I just want to see what will happen next! Very well written, too bad the author is dead, I really liked these books!

I am right now testing out the Internet connection on our Smart Phone, using the phone's Internet connection to hook up the laptop. It is a bit slower than using the Internet card, but it would save $50 a month to use the Smart Phone as a modem instead of a separate Internet card, so I think it will have to do.

At home we use our home wireless network, which is very fast, so it is just for when Ken needs to connect to the Internet on the go we would use it anyway.

Nice to be able to browse the Internet on the phone as well.

So the question is, should I just read the third book right away and get over with it (and not get much else done this week), or wait and not being able to stop thinking about it... I have a feeling I will crack that book open after putting Sarah to bed here in a few minutes. It is not like Ken will be able to stay up and keep me company anyway...

Today we had really strong winds here, it almost felt like a tropical storm. It was so bad I had to tie my plants down, really windy!

Hey, on Thursday my aunt and cousin are coming! Sure hope I get paid by then, I am sort of counting on one payment that is due now to arrive in time for their visit, otherwise I will not have enough money to really have a lot of fun... At least I will have a lot of cash towards the end of the month, but I need this payment to have fun NOW, so I hope this particular client is not late in paying me...


Lotte Jensen said...

LÄS BOKEN ! så du slipper tänka på den hela tiden... snart nog får du fullt upp av pratsugna svenskar och då får du ingen tid eller ork att läsa... så LÄS!

Anonymous said...

Ja, läs den! det är lika bra.
Det var därför jag släpade med dem till dig i höstas...

S w e F l o said...

Ja! Det var ju från DIG! De låg där i en väska med böcker från Gitte och lite annat, och min hjärna kom ju inte ihåg att det var från dig. Tack, men hu vilket otyg, kan ju inte lägga ifrån mig den sista boken, snart klar dock!

Reg said...

You're lucky to be able to read them på svenska -- poor Americans don't even have the 2nd one yet. BTW, what sort of freelance translation do you do? I'd also love to have a Swedish translator to trade questions with! "Reg" (Steve)