Last week Sarah planted some salad seeds, and she is eagerly watching the progress. This morning I noticed the first little sprouts peeking out of the soil.
The seeds were given to us as a bonus when we got some other seeds, and we have no idea of what kind of salad it is, just that it is in fact some type of salad. Will be interesting to see how it turns out! Sarah is very excited about having her own crop, watering and making sure it stays healthy.
We will plant the Earth Boxes this weekend when it warms up again. I went by on Saturday, but got there 20 minutes after they closed, so we will make a new try again on Saturday. At least now I know they close early on Saturdays!
det påminne rmig om då jag köpte ny stor kruka att ha på balkongen... jag sådde frön, jag vattnade, gödslade och pysslade... sakteligen kom det upp någoj ... yeeeesss... en grov grön ful tingest växte upp... inga blommor... kunnig syster kom på besök... asgarvet var ofrånkomligt... det var ett kromosomogräs som jag närt vid min barm... så var det med den grönskan den sommaren...
Ha ha! Det var ju för kul. Här hade du tagit sådan fin hand om om den och allt! Fniss!!!
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