Tuesday, March 10, 2009

More gardening

Just decided to grow personal sized watermelons as well. Sarah really wanted that, and I found a great hybrid. I will get another Earth Box this weekend, ordered the watermelons as seeds, so that will be perfect. You can put up to 3 watermelon plants in one box.

I also got lots of flowers of different kinds, I figured that if I am going to garden, I really want some beautiful blooms around too!

I got pansies, lavender, nasturtium fordhooks, begonias, petunias, and oh, some baby spinach too!

Nasturtium Fordhook
I have no idea wha they are called in Swedish, so a picture will illustrate what they look like!

Now off to two banks (business and private), and then it is time to pick up Sarah. Got a lot of work done today, so that feels good! Sarah has requested we play some Mario Kart Wii this afternoon, so now I can do that with her without stressing about work. March 20 is almost here; not too much time left on this big project. I am itching to do some spring cleaning, I have a bunch of closets to go trough and organize, and I already have sacks of stuff that needs to be donated to Goodwill.


Ewa said...

Härligt att få lite i jorden. Jag har själv satt en del. De blommor som du visar bild på heter på svenska Krasse
Kram från Styrmansgatan, Visby

S w e F l o said...

KRASSE! Jamenvisst, tack moster! Kunde ju inte fatta varför jag inte kunde hitta dem, de sååååg ju så bekanta ut! Kram!