Sunday night it was time to spring forward again, that is, summer time is here!
Sunday morning was OK, but this morning my body did not want to get up an hour earlier, it was still dark outside!
It is weird that that have been playing around with the time changes. Last year former president Bush decided to let spring time come earlier, it would be good for the economy, he said. But if people get to work and hour earlier, won't that mean they also go home an hour earlier?
It used to be that Sweden got their spring time a week earlier than the US, lessening the time difference for a week. The fall time change always happen at the same time, luckily.
But since last year the US now get their spring forward time change much earlier, messing up the time change for a longer time. So instead of the usual 6 hours ahead, Sweden is now only 5 hours ahead. Very confusing!
Vet du när de ställer om klockan i Sverige???
Jag tror det är den 29:e mars i år.
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