Saturday, May 19, 2007

Butterly Garden

S received a Butterfly Garden for her birthday, and we ordered the larvae that are suppose to become Painted Lady Butterflies, (Vanessa Cardui) These are similar to the common Swedish Nässelfjäril,(Aglais Urticae).

Nässelfjäril with a brownish background and Painted Lady with a green background.

Today we received 5 larvae. They are over the next week going to eat, and then go into the chrysalis stage. Then we are suppose to transfer them into the special butterfly habitat that the gift came with. After another 7-10 days finished butterflies emerge and can then be observed in the habitat for a few days before we will release them.
We are pretty excited about our new temporary pets, and we are looking forward to following this amazing process. Last year we caught and raised tadpoles into frogs, which was very interesting as well.
Luckily the larvae came with detailed instructions, and until they have encased themselves in their hard chrysalis they are to remain in their sterile little jar, where they have enough food to sustain themselves until they go into their new stage. Then we are to take them out and place them inti the larger habitat. When they emerge as butterflies we are suppose to place cut flowers at the bottom of the habitat and sprinkle them with sugar water.

I think this will be a great learning experience for S (and me!). I will keep you updated on their growth and development. This is how they looked like today when they arrived from California:

The tiny larvae eating away on their wax-like "food".


Monica said...

Wow, butterfly garden, hur ser det ut? Är det som en fågelbur eller liknande?

Jo, jag tyckte att din header var så snygg, visste inte ens om att man kunde fixa till den så jag fick inspiration och fixade till min likadant, fast annat kort såklart :), tackar för inspirationen!!

S w e F l o said...

Ska ta kort på den, det är liksom som en nättunna. Kul att leka runt lite med utseendet på bloggen!

Anne-Marie said...

Visst är det fantastiskt med de olika stadier som fjärilar går genom. Har alltid förundrats över hur de förvandlas från larver till vackra fjärilar.

S w e F l o said...

Jag sager att det bara ar for S, men jag ser faktiskt fram emot att se forvandlingen!

Annika said...

Det där minns jag från när jag jobbade på dagis en ggn för länge sen. Att vi fick larver som vi sedan följde genom dess olika stadier för att sedan se dom bli vackra fjärilar. Det är riktigt roligt att följa.

Desiree said...

Spännande. Väldigt fina fjärilar. Du får hålla oss uppdaterade vad gäller larverna och när de blir till fina fjärilar.