I am starting to get worried about my sister. I haven't heard from her in a long time. She lives just outside Sundsvall, and before I moved here I had never met her. Her mom was married to my dad when they were teenagers. She is ten years older than me. We did, however, keep pretty good contact over the phone for many years. And when I was six months pregnant with S she came to visit me here in the US!
We are very alike in our values, but also very different. She has two daughters, wonderful girls. She is a great mom!
We usually talk quite often, but the last few months I haven't heard a pip. I am starting to wonder if I did something?? I don't know. I don't think I did. What would that be? I have been so sick so it has been hard to keep up with long distance relationships. If something serious had happened I would know, since I read her older daughter's blog, and everything seems fine there. Weird. And I am too chicken to call and find out... We will see if she answers my latest e-mail.
I got so much done yesterday, so that feels good. Today S and I are going to finish off all the laundry, then we are going to bake a little for her Saturday party. I think I will make Drömmar, I have a lot of Hjorthonssalt, and the really are dreamy cookies. Then we might just make some brownies too.
Tomorrow I have to do the floors, but first i need to bring S to school, we need to have a meeting to determine if I should put her in the Florida voluntary Pre-K program this fall. Florida has a new program that allows everyone who has turned 4 before the fall semester to attend FREE Pre-K. Her current school is a provider, so she would stay where she is now.
The great thing is that the Pre-K is 5 days a week, 8:30 -11:30 AM, and then I can add on teh afternoons on Tuesday and Thursday for a little extra work time for me. The bad thing is the Pre-K is 5 days a week, 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM. That means you pretty much have to pick her up right after dropping her off. But she really has benefited from school, and if K can drop her off I can pick her up. The only caveat about that is that it is a bit late in the morning for him to drop her off, but hopefully we can work around that.
The Pre-k follows the school schedule, so it will be a great way to ease into school readiness, since she will be starting Kindergarten next fall. Oh my! My little girl is growing up so fast! Anyway, with the free Pre-K and the extra two afternoons I would only pay $45 a week (paying $80 now). The same amount of hours would cost $135 a week without the state paying the Pre-K, so it is a great opportunity.
Håll oss uppdaterade hur det går med kontakten med din syster. Hoppas du får respons på ditt senaste mail till henne.
Pre-K är det typ Pree Kindergarten? Är det som dagis eller hur funkar det? Jag kan inte alls mycket om dagis/skola här i USA, men intressant veta mer.
Ja, jag säger som Anne, håll oss uppdaterade om vad som händer. jag hoppas också att du får svar på e-mail snart.
Pre-K låter bra. När min dotter började KG var hon fem och det var heldagsKG, 9:15-15:50. När hon var 4 gick hon på lekis, om jag hade haft möjlighet till pre-K hade jag tagit den!!!
Jo pre-k är detsamam som pre-kindergarten, förskola. Det som hon går på nu är mer som dagis, pre-K blir lit emer strukturerat. Gillar den skolan som hon är på nu, hon har varit där sedan hon var 2,5. De har klassrummet uppdelat i stationer där de i lugn och ro kan utforska olika ämnen, och de har en ganska så bra rutin, med utomhuslek, lunch, mellanmål och viltid. Man märker att hon har snappat upp en hel del, tom lite alfabet och siffror. De gör en hel del konstprojekt som jag aldrig skulle ge mig in på, så det är bra! De har aldrig fler än 12 i klassen, vilket är toppen. Trevlig personal med. Plus, min enda chans att kunna jobba i lugn och ro ;-)
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