It took a lot of wrangling to get everything approved, even though they had approved it last year! So finally...
The first infusion will take place on Tuesday the 29th. The second two weeks later, the third 4 weeks later, and then on an ongoing basis every 6-8 weeks. The infusions are a pain, and it usually takes around 3 hours, but when there has been problems I have been stuck there for almost 6 hours! I guess I better bring something good to read. I should ask if I can bring the laptop, maybe I could even get some work done!
The first time around I had a clown for a doctor, and he wasn't doing the infusions correctly, so hopefully this will actually work this time around! It is a very expensive treatment, I think $2,000 just for the medication itself, so it would be a shame if it was all just a waste of time.

I hope this will work, I don't want to go back to being so sick again. The steroids are a pain, the weight gain is now 10 lbs, and it is all in my face and gut. Not pretty at all. I hate steroids....
***Update: They called and changed my appointment (and subsequently the entire treatment schedule. Now I have to be there on June 7. And they told me it was OK to bring the laptop, so at least I can get some work done! The 7th will be a long medical day; I have another appointment with my dermatologist at 1:30 PM, and they usually find at least one mole to remove (which they do right away).
jag hoppas verkligen att allt går bra och att du inte får någon allergisk reaktion. Ska tänka på dig den 29.
Jag håller tummarna och hoppas att allt går som det ska och att du känner dig bättre med denna medicin och behandling. Hoppas du får ha med dig datorn och att behandlingarna inte tar längre tid än vad de är beräknade till. Jag ska också tänka på dig den 29:e
Tanker pa dig och hoppas allt gar bra, det gor det sakert. Lakarna ar duktiga har.
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