Another fun idea (and equally reversible, just wet and remove) are Wallies. They are pretty much little decorations made out of pre-pasted wall paper like material, with a vinyl layer so they can be cleaned, but they are easily removed. They come in all kinds of shapes and forms, you can buy them through the manufacturer or as I did, a lot cheaper on eBay. If you search for wallies you will find all kinds of vendors. They even have these in Sweden now, I noticed.
I have even gotten a Wallie mural in our master bath, so the husband has something nice to look at when he takes a leak ;-)!
Here are the Wallies I have at home:

Another thing I like to decorate with is wrought iron wall plaques. So far I have two, as you can see below:
Home decorating is fun, but I am not a nick-knack kind of person, so I tend to go light on decor. But this might give you an idea or two!
Vad fint du verkar ha hemma!! Gillade verkligen ditt gastbadrum, urlackert! Walies ska jag ocksa kolla upp.
Tack for fina bilder!
Nu ska jag VERKLIGEN kolla webb-sidan!!! Jättesnyggt!!! tack för titten!!
Vad fina bilder! Jag blir själv inspirerad och får idéer. Tyckte mycket om master badrum.
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