I am going to leave her with L this afternoon when I go to see my doctor, just in case they decide to send me for any tests or anything. She will have a great time at L's! And I think L has a little Easter basket for her as well. I told her not to give her any more candy; she had an overdose yesterday!
I talked to S's pediatrician, Dr L, about S's picky eating habits. I know he went through the same thing with one of his own kids, so he can relate. It sounds like I don't have to worry, but you know, I do anyway.
She just don't eat what I consider to be a balanced diet. No vegetebales (french fries is NOT a veggie, whatever you say), and she doesn't like pasta, rice or potatoes. Pretty much just chicken nuggets, hot dogs and maybe a PB&J sandwich... She likes fruit, and I make her smoothies loaded with fruit she normally wouldn't like on its own. I mixed in frozen strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, honey dew, pineapple, banana with a small yogurt and some orange juice. She loves it!
I also try to feed her baked chicken nuggets made out of white breast meat, rather than those ... things... they call nuggets at fast food places. I also varies the hot dogs between all beef, mixed, and turkey. The only grains she really eats is bread, so I try to either bake or buy only whole grain bread for her. She drinks fat free milk, likes yogurt and some cheese. But that is about it. Not much to work with at all!
If I try to introduce something new she freaks out. So I guess she will starve half the time in Sweden, since my family tends to serve home made "husmanskost". Or maybe this will be a great opportunity for her to start "branching out" a bit.
Oh by the way: I booked the last things for our Sweden trip: the flight from Stockholm to Visby, the ferry from Visby to Nynäshamn, as well as the hotel in Stockholm. We ended up with the Hotel Tegnérlunden after all. As you can see on this map the location is be pretty goodI got a good deal and they threw in a free fruit basket and mineral water that will be waiting for us when we get there. Not too bad all in all, I think.

Map of the area where the hotel is

Hotel Tegnérlunden
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