I am so tired of being tired ;-)
If I stand up too fast I faint, if I walk to fast I faint. I have absolutely no energy in my body! Very irritating! I am mostly just sitting around watching TV, it is too hard to relax enough to sleep when there is people in the house. But I have slept pretty good the last couple of nights.
Right now it is very quiet; Ken is at the kitchen table working, the dogs are sleeping, my very dear friend Linda came this morning and took my sister and Sarah shopping, they have been gone for 4 hours already! Last I checked in with them they had found all kinds of stuff. I am so happy Linda could take Carina with her, because it would really suck for her if she couldn't get a lot of shopping done while she now happens to be in the US for 4 weeks! We did have a shopping day before the surgery, but you know how it is, we women like to shop!
I am hoping so much I will get some strength back until next weekend, I had planned all 4 of us could go to this giant mall, Ken and Sarah could park themselves at the indoor playground (he could work on the laptop), and I could borrow one of those wheel chairs they usually have there so Carina and I could get around. That way I at least don't have to walk.
I had to get some groceries today, and Ken and I went. If it is just a few things I could have sent Ken by himself, but he is that kind of person that if you send him with a detailed list, and I mean brand, color what shelf it is on and so on, he will come back with the complete opposite, and then he gets mad if I don't like it. Luckily America has a lot of fat people (and a few handicapped people, but in this case they usually have their own wheelchairs), and you can borrow these electrical chairs in the store. You ALWAYS see obese people on this things! Scary... But today I was happy they had them, since I just can't walk around.
Ken supported me into the store, and it must have looked like I was drunk, very funny! I go to this store all the time, so most of the clerks actually know me, so I wasn't too worried about making a fool of myself. At least this way I could make sure we got everything we needed!
Before we left home I gobbled down a handful of Swedish Energy tablets, if you're Swedish you know what I mean, these "druvsockertabletter". It is basically pure grape sugar that athletes chew before a race or something. I was glad I stocked up on those this summer, since I often get tired.
I miss checking in on all my favourite blogs, but I just don't have the energy for it. Yesterday my biggest feat was taking a shower without fainting, and that was sitting down... Thank God Carina is here until the 13th!
For those of you who might not know, Carina is 10 years older than me, we have the same father. But this is actually only the THIRD time on our entire lives we meet in person!!! We have had contact for probably half my life over the phone, and finally when I was 6 months pregnant 4½ years ago she came and visited me here in Florida. That was so awesome! Then I met up with her again this summer on Gotland, and I also got to meet my niece Sandra (Sarah's cousin) for the first time. Carina has two beautiful daughters, and they are both the nicest girls you can imagine. Sandra is 15 and Christina, whom I haven't met yet , is if I remember correctly, 24. She has done an absolutely marvelous job raising these girls, I can only hope Sarah becomes somewhat like them when she gets older!
OK, now I need to lay down, I used up whatever energy I had for now!
Take care!
Vad skönt att höra ifrån dig här på bloggen!
Vad härligt att du har Carina hos dig dom här veckorna. Jag förstår att det måste kännas som en lättnad.
Jag hoppas att du snart, snart ska få energi så att du orkar göra saker. Hoppas ni kommer iväg till shopping mallen!
Vi brukade kalla Dextrosol för "piggtabletter"---himla goda, tycker jag.
Jag ler igenkännande åt dina druvsockertabletter, vet ju precis vad du menar. Köpte också på mig ett paket i somras, alltid bra att ha. Förstår de kommer till användning för dig nu!
Jaaa du vännen, du är en kämpe. Det tål verkligen att upprepas!Du verkar ständigt ta dig an svårigheter på ett så positivt sätt. Som jag sagt förut, du verkar vara en så livsglad och optimistsk person. Det känns på dina inlägg även nu när du är svag efter operationen hur du ändå har så mycket styrka, glöd och kraft. Du verkar ha mycket humor också! Det är ju aldrig fel heller.
Ta hand om dig!
Kram Anne
Hoppas verkligen att du får mer energi snart och kan göra allt du vill. De där druvsockertabletterna är bra. Hade glömt bort dem faktiskt. Du kommer säkert att tillfriskna snart eftersom du har så positiv livssyn. Kram!
That’s kind of funny… you hade to move to US for us to actually meet
I like it here and you know that I'll be back as soon as possible.
Puss & Kram
What a fantastic, wonderful story with your sister!! Amazing! Now THAT is family for sure!
Don't go too fast - one step at a time! And yeah, sometimes those little carts really can come in handy! *fniss*. Did you get a picture?
Druvsockertabletter - I've almost forgotten all about them... now I can "feel" the taste... I used them when studying I remember.
Move slowly! You're our hero!
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