Sunday, September 30, 2007

Nighttime frog hunting...

Something we like to do on our nightly walks with the dogs are to hunt for frogs. This time we brought the camera to show you what we found!

We went out just after dark last night, around 7:30 PM. It was still nice and warm at around 85 degrees, nice and humid, a perfect night for finding frogs (we got 4)! We also found a beautiful legless glass lizards in the grass!

Stan, Sarah and Bob getting ready to look for frogs!

OK, where are they hiding?

Aha! There is one!

Found one!

Cute fellow!

Got another one!

We also found this beautiful, shiny coppery-brown legless glass lizard. It looks like a snake!

1 comment:

Desiree said...

Froghuntig verkar vara populärt bland barnen. Det gör de ofta i vårt område också. jag hade nog blivit lite rädd om jag sett den där ödlan utan ben för jag hade defnintivt trott att det var en orm.