Ken just came in and asked if I could watch over him while he trim the biggest palm tree. He is really scared of the height and balancing a chain saw at the same time. I told him I would keep an ear out, and if I hear a big
THUMP out there I will call 911. What? Am I mean? It is too hot to sit out there and look at him, and what can I do anyway. If he falls it's not like I can catch him or anything... Yawn! I just got a new issue of Star magazine that needs reading... He, he...
Update: He is still debating if he can handle the height, he scrapped the idea of the chain saw and is using a regular handsaw instead. I didn't know he was
that scared of heights, he is really nervous! Well, I am even
more scared of heights, so we will see how this ends!
No Thump...I hope!
Ha en skön söndag!!
He was too scared to really get up there... He did the lower hanging branches, and said he would work up the courage next week! He took out his frustration on another tree, lots of branches were chopped off in the heat of the moment! :-)
Tycker också att höjder kan vara lite läskigt. Låter bra att han skippade motorsågen och tog en vanlig såg istället. Lät lite väl läskigt med både höjdrädsla och motorsåg.
Han var total-chicken! Det blev bara lite trimmning, men har hoppas att få mer mod nästa helg... Fniss...
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