Saturday, September 1, 2007

Home from the hospital!

I am finally home! Yesterday I was finally released and got to go home. It took a few painful days, but finally the new plumbing started to work. I am very amazed how easy things have been, considering I thought it would be a lot worse. I am very sore in the "pouch" area inside the stomach, but that should only last for a few more weeks or so. I have no stitches, everything is glued, and all in all I only really have two tiny new scars, since they reused some old scars. Amazing!

I was pumped full of TNP, so I got at least 2,000 calories a day, so I didn't loose too much weight, only about 10 lbs. I can imagine it would have been a lot harder recovering if I had lost more weight.

I feel great all in all, just very weak. I just fainted a few minutes ago, probably just stood up too fast. I had a very hard time sleeping last night, finding a comfy position is almost impossible, so it was after 5 AM when I finally slumbered in, and I was up before 8 AM... But I have nothing else to do but rest, so I am not complaining.

I am not going to write too much, I am just too tired, but I want to thank everyone for all the positive, encouraging comments. I really appreciate them all! My sister will be here until September 13, so I am looking forward to having her company until then!


Fia said...

Vad skönt att du har fått komma hem, de första dagarna är ju tuffa men sedan blir det lättare, så jag hoppas att det blir så för dig. Krya på dig, vila massor och utnyttja att din syster är där och tar hand om allt! Kram!

Anne-Marie said...

Vad skönt att höra att du fått komma hem och att din syster fortfarande är där. Vila upp dig och krya på dig. Kram!

Annika said...

Vad skönt att din syster är där ett tag till! Och så hoppas jag förstås att du ska krya på dig snart, snart!!! Skönt att vara hemma förstår jag att det är!

JaCal said...

Åh, god nyheter - bra! Bra att vara hemma! Tänk ändå så fantastiska saker de kan göra! Bra med syster där och familjen omkring dig. Hoppas allt nu ska rulla på och bli bättre och bättre dag för dag!! Du är en riktig kämpe!!

Monica said...

Jag ville bara skicka en krya-på-dig-snabbt hälsning! Vad underbart att din syster är här och kan dela detta med dig! Och så måste det ju vara skönt att komma hem till familjen igen också!

britgirl said...

I was having my IBS bad the other day and feeling grumpy about it and how difficult it can be to go out with it when it's bad.
Then I thought of you and what you're going through and pulled myself together! ha!
I'm so pleased for you that things are starting to work as it should.
I am 5 ft 3 and only weigh 104 pounds so if you're small too I can see why you're pleased that you didn't lose too much.
What a help your sister must be.
Keep braving through it all!