I found this little video on YouTube, and thought I would post it here in case anyone is interested in finding out how it looks around here. This is just from the area around downtown, so it is in no way representative of Bradenton as a whole. Plus, when he says there are a population of only 55,000 residents here he must mean just the area I consider downtown of the city. The county, Manatee county, is rather large. With the surrounding areas that I call Bradenton it would be more like 250,000.
The areas outside of the downtown area is a lot newer looking. We have quite a lot of new construction, and many affluent subdivisions. The downtown area is a more classic, old fashioned place, and except for the river district there have been problems attracting businesses to it. Not so for the rest of Bradenton! You can find most anything when it comes to shopping and restaurants, for instance. Due to the explosion in the real estate market that started back in 2004 (just after we bought our house, thankfully) the city and the county have been struggling to keep up with the growing population, sputtering out new schools and expanding roadways.
The real estate market have slowed waaay down, but our house would still sell for about $100,000 more than what we paid for it 3 years ago. Crazy!
var är det Bradenton ligger? Har varit en hel del i Miami och även på västkusten av Florida, som Sarasota och Sanibel.
När vi bodde i Brasilien åkte vi till Miami varje år för att shoppa.
That was interesting and looks like a nice place to live.
It could be a city in california and yet you're all the way over the other side!
Don't you just love the way he made the burger place at the end, sound really old. That's new to a European.
Now I have that music in my head.
Vi ligger ca 45 min söder om Tampa, vid kusten. Sarasota sitter i princip ihop med Bradenton, så om du har varit där här du varit i Bradenton!
The Shake Pit have great ice cream! They support one of the local high schools, and they usually hire kids from that school. They even have the school's logo on their roof!
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