Needed a little break... Well, I started working on that other new job early this morning, only to find out the end-client decided to not pursue a translation... It got me so pissed! But the agency was very professional and offered to pay for time spent, but I figure it would be in my best interest to be nice and decline, more chance of future projects if they think I am really nice...
FINALLY the Swedish government came through and provided me with a Word-doc of the report I have to translate for next week. So I can use my translation tool, a program that remembers certain strings I have already translated, so I don't have to re-write them. It also promotes consistency which is important in larger documents of course. It has a lot of helpful technology that make the process easier. They call them CAT-tools, (computer aided translation). The computer doesn't translate anything of course, but it helps me keep organized on larger projects.
I am just glad the $ is coming in again. Can you believe it will be 9 years since I was in Sweden last? So I would like to have a lot of money to spend in July... And to make up for the almost 3 weeks I will be gone...
I have noticed my writing is really sloppy on this blog, I think it is because I always have to be so nit picky when working, so when I am not I tend to just let loose. That is my theory at least! You should hear all the tropical birds outside, it sound wonderful! The bougainvillea is blooming so brightly, the hibiscus is looking beautiful. I heard the Gulf of Mexico is already 72 degrees (22 C)... The best thing of all is all the orange blossoms that smells so delicious! Our Key Lime tree in the back is full of blossoms too! Summer is on its way!
9 år sedan Sverige!!! DÅ blir det ju fantastiskt för dig att komma hem i sommar! Vilken grej!!!
Och ni har snart sommar...Tja, vi med antar jag, även om den ju kommer bra mkt tidigare till er i Florida.
Sommaren är olidlig och olidligt lång här i Florida. Har bott här nästan 11 år nu, men den höga luftfuktigheten från i början på maj till typ oktober är bra tung.
Skola och sedan eget företag har gjort det svårt att åka. Men i år så!
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